The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

1 3 THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, THURSDAY MORNING," DECEMBER 2, 1915 FOR SALE SALES TODAY'S AicrrioN ROOMS TO RENT 12 words or less. 30c: additional words. So ADDISON 5530 (West Phila.) Rooias to furnished o-r tiuftirnished. Call. ARCH.

1722 Newly opened, most modern house in toAn: running water nearly everv room: ttil and show-era every floor, very reasonable. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IS words or less. SCc additional words. In City Property 222S NORTH THIRD STREET. RENTED $16.

assessed $1900. price $17O0. all conveniences, 10 rooms. ME YER GROSKIN 234 I toward'. 2139 NORTH SECOND 232 Diamond street.

S1800: always rented. Apply 1644 Orthodox street. Frankford. SELLING Watches, etc. Goods and Funiishinrs.

etc. Shoes and Rubber Goods. Goods and Furnishinprs. Ladies' and Men's Furnishings. SITUATIONS WANTED, FEMALE It words or lets.

SOc: additional L.UYS MAID 7t ohild'suure. very reliable, trood sewer. German, wishes position references. 650 North Eight street. MEN'S NDINO.

all kinds. neatly ami promptly lone. Miss Oilhert. 140 North P-ih. MILLINER wishes a posit ion.

wages object if opportunity oxierieuce on tine uats pjul trimming." S-399. jnunirer office. URSEr-Practieal nurse, desires engageiieuts; terms moderate. 1412 Nortli Peaeb street. Vv'est lphia'.

KUU.SE wishes a position iu institution or iinjfUJ)osoi tji J78. Inquirer office. XOGR A HER bright, businesslike, de- Pendablo. beginner; good ref. '1-374.

Inq. off. HTBXOfiRAPlTER. neat, capable, energetic, rapid typist: try mc. H-330.

Inquirer off. i'YPIST and central office work. L-25-. In- iuirer off ice. WASHING Woman, colored, wants washing, in or ont.

reliable. North 5sth street. WoMAN. middle-aged, wants plain cooking and downstairs work, give best of references. 1 Lillie Rum hold.

1-M23 Kater. Phila VilMAN. colored, wants work by day. washing, ironing, houseeleaning. 1317 Reno ff reef.

VOUAS to work out by the clay or week. Write 242 South 71st street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 15c ver line Daily. SOc per line Sunday Daily Those of Financial nature. S5c ver line Sunday Those of Financial nature.

SOc ver line; OWING TO OTHER INTERESTS REQCIR-ing concentration of time and capital, wish to sell control in processing company, manufacturing materials under ecret formula, with present contracts assuring 10 per cent, earnings this year on issued stock. This interest involves S50.000 or thereabout. L-263. In-quirer office. FOR SALE RESTAURANT.

DOING FINE business: cood location: no opposition; on prominent corner uptown: also have dumb waiter running from barroom to serve drinks on second floor: five factories in neighborhood: reason for selling, present owners have entered automobile business. T-365. Inauirer office. I OFFER FOR $2000 CONTROLLING INTER-est in a company to be formed to market a mechanical necessity of great merit. My knowledge of the business enables me to guarantee the investment.

Positively no particulars will be sent by mail, but full details will be given ac interview. M-328, Inquirer office. RESTAURANT AND OYSTER HOUSE FOR sale, doing a fine business: in good location. W7ill sell cheap on account of other business. Low rent: A-No.

1 place for rijrht party. T-268. Inouirer office. WANT TO INVEST $1000 TO $1500 IN AN established woodworking business as an active partner with 17 years' experience. Gentile.

Must stand only strictest investigation. State full particulars in first letter. V-23RJ, Inquirer Branch. 3234 Ridge. CTARF LEASE.


GERMANTOWN AVENUE ABOV LEHIGH. ANTED GOOD HONEST YOUNG MAX For outside work: must have good reference: invest $500 cash, cood salary, steady employment to right party; investment secured: for iuter- view. M-216. Inquirer office. WE OFFER AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY for man (Gentile) with some capital who will devote his entire time to the business.

Must show cood record. Investment secured. Salary. Call 2121 Vine. CIGARS.

FIXE WEST PHILA. corner, nice home. $100 receipts weekly; also have handsome store uptown. $450. MEYERS JOEY.

46 X. 12th Room SQ2. LUNCH ROOM. RBSTAURAXT. Rare opportunity, on account, of owner compelled to retire: easv terms made.

EY'ERS JOLT. 46 X. 12th st Room 802. ACTIVE BUSINESS MAN WITH $3000 TO invest can secure interest and position with thriving concern; state age and experience. K-317! Inouirer office.

GROCERY. DELICATESSEN STORE! WEST Phila. business location, elegant trade owner will nuike satis'v terms, acc. old age. MEYERS JOLY.

4o X. 12tb 802. FOR SALE. UP-TO-DATE MEAT MARKET. first class fixtures, cood location, cash market, good reason for selling, no dealers.

R-277. Inquirer office. S7(M1. REDUCED FROM $S5 FOR IMMEDI-ate sale: restaurant and oysters: cheap rent. Clearing $50 weekly: little competition: West Phila.

Commercial Business 129 N. 11th. 15c ver line 20c ver line Sunday USED FURNITURE that is the kind to buy because you get it at less than half the original cost, enameled beds, newest style. $2 up; heavy all-brass beds. $7 up; no-sag springs.

$2 each: 100 new combination mattresses. $2 un: good bureaus and chiffoniers. $4 up: 20 wardrobes. $7 up: 100 fine washstands, $1 up; 1000 chairs. 50c up; sideboards and buffets.

$5 up; round and square extension tables, $3 up; parlor and mission suits, $10 up; easy arm chairs and rockers, $2 up; library tables, book cases, desks, china closets, conches, secretary bookcases, folding beds, refrigerators, gas stoves, gas domes, sewing machines. 50 room size floor rues. $5 up: coine earlv for bargains, open evenimrs. free citv or country. PHILA.


and Jefferson St. Special Furniture Sale 20 loads of fine household goods, must be sold to pay storage charges, such as dining, parior. library, mission and bedroom furniture in all kinds of woods, and best of quality brass and enamel beds, fine bedding, davenports, wardrobes, hall racks, book cases, all kinds of desks, gas ranges, pianos, all room size rugs, carpets, mattings. We can furnish a home from cellar to roof at CO per cent, saving. Free packing and delivery.


Little Used and Like New In household furniture, such as bureaus, chiffoniers, dressing tables, princess dressers, wardrobes, china closets, crystal closets, buffets, dining room tables, library tables, brass and enameled beds and rugs. A large assortment. Hundreds of chairs, rockers, parlor and mission furniture too ptimerous to mention. We ask you to call and convince yourself before buying elsewhere. Free delivery everywhere.



S29.50 VICTROLA VI and 6 10-inh D. F. Records, guaranteed to be in perfect condition. An excellent outfit for one who Is looking for a good machine at a reasonable price. Fifty cents weekly accepted.

Call or write for complete descriptions and large illustrated catalogues. UEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. (or. 6th A- Thompson Sts. HOLIDAY BARGAINS Brass and enamel beds from $3 up: bureaus and chiffoniers from up: square and round extension tables, sideboards, buffets, china closets, hall racks.

Book cases, parlor anil library furniture; lot of chairs and rockers: fine carpets and rugs. We have 2 fine upright pianos to be sold very cheap. Open until ten. Free delivery citv or country. SAMUEL'S 1731 RIDGE AVE.


FAMILY MUST SACRIFICE CONTENTS home, new player piano, raahoganv; manog-any silk-plush parlor suite. $17: leather and tapestry Itlirarv suites; oak and Jacol.ean n-ing. mahogany. Circassian bcdnn'Uis; brass beds, davenport bed. much, chaise.

louu-e. easy chairs, rugs, paintings, gold mirrors, bronzes, upright piao. Grafonola. etc. Sell separately, cheap.

Dealers' offers considered. Resilience. 192JS North Broad. (Deab'rt. GET A VICTROLA NOW PAY FOR IT NEXT YEAR Call or write for pew special Payment Plan, whereby you can have a Vp-trola for Christmas, and start to pav for it next year.


Cor. tub Ac Thompson Philadelphia. Pa. TYPEWRITERS FACTORY REBUILT That are guaranteed to do sss good work a new tmes at fmia $10 up. Machines rented 4 mouths.

4 up. Easv terms. C. J. GiBBoNEY 135 S.

10TII ST. rugs: carpets: furniture, from manufacturers: huv direct and save money; wo wi ou in touch with leading mills, where von can choose from many osquisit' patterns; also up-to-date furniture; quality supreme: factory prices; nav In low retail. Call c.r write. 214 1 North 20th. TYPEWRITERS RENTED VISIBLE MACHINES.

ALL MAKES 3 MONTHS $5. GUARANTEE TYPEWRITER CO. 47N.10JHST. EAR ARCH. -i Chairs, mirror OSes, mirrors.

nnrnfTS mug cases. wt-xlen pdes, winding iles. Child's chair, towel sterilizers, tool sterilizers, towel urns, paper cases, stand bottles, tools and supplies of all kinds, large assortment of s-ond-iiand chairs, $7 and up. Leo C. Benitz.

3) Arch. Barbers and Hairdressers Call and see our new pedestal massage machine, sells for $45 on easv terms. We make the latest styles in barber chairs ami fixtures. 1-arge lot of second hand chair-s ilioui). JAS.

BARKER. INCORPORATED. 933 ARCH $1.50 Up Overcoats Largest Assortment la Town. WALTER'S, 904 VINE i- 1 1 I If VlTrt! 1I II EQUIP rfininrlsin? OesKS HU'l Dung tie ices in i ot di al! kinds, tireivroof safes, telephone looth. rectors' tables, twirtition.

etc. in nue conui-tion and verv cheap. Free auto delivery any where. HUGHES. 11TH AND BUTlONWOoD.

SHOW CASES Shelving, wall cases. Boor cases, ice cream chairs tables, counters, scales, refrigerator at low- prices he bea them ail. 24'. CO AT S2 UP 100O tine tip-to-date custom-made' overcoats: 50o balmacaans. slightly worn: exceptional values.Walter's Loan Office.

11th and Arch. is' BEAUTIFUL. OIL PAINTINGS. $12 TO $15. One-third of dealers' prices: private sale; cc te look them over: day or evenings.

SHEKiDANS. 260.1 Brown street. A HANDSOME DINING ROOM SET. A Beautiful parlor mirror, library furnishings; also other furniture: applv Tuesday and Wednes- dav. at 1531 South Broad street.

PLAYER PIANO. HIGH GRADE. IJTTIE used: private family; cash. A-10S. Inquirer office.

BILLIARD and pocket tables, shuf leboards. new and slightly used, liberal terms: renting, repairing and supplies. Rosatto 222 S. 8th. NATIONAL.

lKJUght. sold. repaired, renlated. cheap for cash. Gordon, 702 Spring Garden.

'Phone Market 452L 20 YARDS OF ROYAL WILTON ORIENTAL bordering, new: antique secretary, chairs, soil. 4137 Girard avenue, third floor. Ilir7T.l-NDAI-. TO SUIT ANY BUSINESS. iu stock, at sacrificing prices.

Penn Faper Company. 2S North Sixth street. riANfX OOD MAKE. UPRIGHT; BEST condition; family must sell. A-175, Inquirer office.

PAFQ Floor cases, wall cases, onUVV l.0 shelving. refrigerators, counters, cheapest in city. 112 N. 3d. FOR SALF3.

GEXTLEMAX'S FUR-LI NED overcoat. Persian lamb collar; reasonable. 1726 Venango street. DOOR. sash, loists.

studding, fence eost. window frames, mantels, laundry tubs, flooring. sheathing. Penna. Wrecking 2554 Diamond.

FOR- SALeTXEW" NOVELTY with water back and circulating boiler; new; price $20. 612 Erie street. Camden. DON'T MISS MILL RUG SALE Pro-Brussels rugs. 9x9.

$3.98: 9x12. $6.98: fine Brussels carpet. 49c. up: open day, evg. 2141 N.

20tj. bTlULARD. POOL. COMBINATION. 2d-hand bought, sold, rented, exchanged: repairing.

snnnlies. Lafe Keafer. Am. 329 Girard av. BOOTBLACK STAND.

AWNING AND COVER.1 cheap, quick buyer. 13th and Sansom. barber shop. VVrMJno- Invitations and Announcements. cuunif, joo script lettering 2 en- elnes.

$2.50. Ott Engraving 1021 Chestnnt. SIX METAL FILING CABINETS. FOUR drawers each, never used, cheap. Loeb.

"3d and Matser. LUMBER. FRAMES. SASH. tures: must sell at once.

Master. DOORS. FIX-Loeb. 33d and JOB LOT USEFUL ARTICLES FOR SALE; make offer. S.

Jones. 1321 Arch. HEATERS AND RANGES SEVERAL, ready to install. Howard. 1516 W.

Susquehanna aye. DENTAL CABINET. DENTAL CHAIR. DEN-tal brack et. ea 1 4 24 Catharine street.

BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM DOME. PORT-able heater, cheap. Apply 1715 North 12th. FENCE. 100 FEET, 41 INCHES HIGH.

OR-Loeb. 33d and Master. namental iron, cheap FOR SALE. condition. MAN'S SEALSKIN COAT.

GOOD M-336. Inquirer office. $3 FOUR THEATRE TRUNKS. EXTRA strong, cost $9 each. Bargains.

314 N. 10th. VIOLIN. OLD FRENCH. WILL SACRIFICE for $1000.

H-335. Inquirer office. POOL TABLES, used, bargain. 4V.x9. BRUNSWICK.

Slightly D-24S. Inquirer office. $10 UP MEN'S FUR-LINED COATS. WAT-TER3j'AWSHOP. 904 VINE.

TWO FLOOR CASES. CASE. ALMOST new, for sale cheap. 2201 West Lehigh. ciYTI lUPC Eor any business very cheap.

rlA I Kt Joseph's. 5t and Wood. cicCQ Closins out, 60 slightly used bar- gains. 219 North Fourth st. $1.00 UP LADIES' COATS.

WALTER'S PAWNSHOP. 904 VUNEt. 5 HUM BALL MACHINES FOR SALE, BAR-cains. K-347. Inquirer office.

PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING It wordi or less. SOo; additional words, to ROOMS PAPERED. $1.50 UP: GLUE SIZING: work guaranteed. Philip Brown. J331 North Tenth.

FRONTS PAINTED. $4: ROOMS. best rn a t. used. A mericap workmen.

1337 Parrish. HOUSE PAINTING, best material and mansiiip. reas. for Kolbe. 6-5 N.

7 til t. PLACE SALE .1.51.. South Second Street 1(5 South Third ...220 South Eiprhth Street Market Street ...419 Market Street 20 North Fourth Street J. JACOBS CO. 6.3' SOUTH SECOND STREET Sale of DIAMONDS.

WATCHES. JEWELRY By Order of Equitable Soc. 12O0 Arch At .7. JACOBS 513-515-517 P. 2(1 St.

TODAY. DECEMBER 2D. 10 A. M. Fine Line of Diamonds, Watches SILVKKWARE.

JEWELRY; Al! forfeited pledges up to 41.602 will be sold in this sale. M. S. FRIDENBERG. Brokers.

Pth Buttonwood and 37 North lltli St. Sells Clothine. Jewelry atvt Miscellaneous, FRIDAY. DECEMBER SRD. 0 A.

M. Quaker City Loan Office Lnnst, NEW YORK LOAN 123 N. Stli St. UNCLE SAM'S 1702 Point Breeze Sell ClothinK. Miscellaneous and Jewelry.



Sells Clothing-. Shoes and Miscella ueous Goods WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER STH. 9 A. M.

$10,000 Jewelry Sale $10,000 Rettev's Loan Office hstree? Sells Diamonds, Watches, Jew'ry All forfeited pledjr-s to No. 15S.S44. Also including Number 420,895. Wednesday, Decen-ber Sth. 1915.

10 A. M. B. B. BLOCH r1 Sells ail forfeited pledges, Dec.

9th. 10 A. M-Jacobs Co. All Numbers up to S3.400. C.

HARRisTBrokiTsr Sells Diamonds. Watches and Jewelry. Large line of Miscollp.neous Goods. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 10TH.

9.30 A. M. Thos. B. Lovatt Sons 220 S.

EIGHTH STREET ABE ROSENTHALUwA37 Sells CiotbJns. Today. Dec. 2, 0 A. M.

Also Jewelry Friday. Dec. 3. 10 A. M.

Rettew's Loan "Office 'stkeet Sell Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry AH forfeited r-ler-sjes to No. 458.101. aH forfeited-ClotLsns Misc. rioods to Sl.SbS. PEC.




M. Pledges over 4 and 8 months will tw eold. COHEN S. W. Cor.

loth rfid Moo-e. Fine Sale of Overcoats. Men's Miscellaneous Goods, etc. 83,612. Upriabt Piano; 1 Moving Picture Machine on Wednesday.

Dec. S. at 9 A. M. Also Diamonds.

Watches. Jewelry. Thursday. Dec. 9.

at 1C A. M. All forfeited i'ledge- from 97.SS3 to 3502 w-Il te sold in this tale. REED'S OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE 1514 MARKET STREET. Sells all Forfeited Clothing.

Misc. Goods On THURSDAY. Dec. S. 1913.


IO A. M. Passvunk Loan Office ravunkve. Sells FORFEITED CLOTHINA- JEWELRY MONDAY. DEC.

13, 1515, 9 A. M. Philadelphia Auction Co. 263 AND 265 N. FRONT ST.

CANTOR LUBER WHOLESALE AUCTIONEERS. 39 S. 4TH ST. AUTOMOBILES 75c ver line Daily, toe ver line Bundav CHRISTMAS PREPAREDNESS HUPMOBILE Touring Car $50 lfl3 FORD Touring Car $200 3K14 FORD Touring Car $-50 1915 FORD Touring Car J35C Also with Grev Davis self-starter. MAIN LINE SERVICE CO.

ROSEMONT, PA. $100 DOWN AND $5 A -WEEK WILL BUY nrst-class used touring cars, roadsters, race- abouts and small delivery cars. Apply at Auto transit Chestnut Room Miltoa Stern, manager. i $5.00 DOWN AND $5.00 A WEEK. Business or Pleasure.

FORD TOURING OU ROADSTER, absolutely new model. Will also furnish cars of your own selection at slightlv increased yments. Write making appointment and one of our rep-resentatives will call. Box C-9251. Inq.

off. FOR HIRE OPEN. AND CLOSED CARS. guaranteed to be new. 1915 seven passenger cars, rates $2 an hour.

'Phone Woodland iT.3. TO HIRE. DAY OR NIGHT. BRAND NEW live-passenger touring car. with robes.

$1.25 hour: aiso brand new seven-passenger limousine. $1.50 hour. Telephone Poplar 1617-W. HIGH POWER CAR WANTED; STATE make. year, price, must be cheap for cash.

E-393. Inqui rer of rice. W' A NT EI WITH SEDAN BODY, state price, condition, year. ctt. T-399.

Inquirer of rice. FIVE-PASSENGER DETROITER TOURING car. first-class condition, bargain; owner le aving 'Phone Main 3227. TAYIPAR LIMOUSINES AND 1 AAlL-ftDO TOURING CARS. Never closed.

Poplar 16S4: Race 2241. A ELL. 1912 MASCOT ROADSTER. A-l condition: make an excellent truck; $150. Thomas Hughes.

Lansdowne. Pa. OVERLAND. 1914. Touring Car.

Electric Self-starter, electric lights, fullv equipped: exe't condition: bnrg. Thos. Hugbes. Lansdowne. Pa.

FOR HIRE TWO-TON TRUCKS. SUlTAW for all occasions: day or night: reasonable. one Di arnond. 17SO TWO BUILDING LOTS. 60x150.

NORTH Willow Grove: $175 apiece: will trade for good touring Ford automobile. 223 North Broad. FORD TOURING. 1914. WITH EXTRA equipment, perfect condition.

$300 cash. See Mr. Smith. second floor. 1414 South Penn Square.

HAYNES TOURING. OVERT! AULE-li. AND nairted. $250. bargain: new tires.

29 North Broad. ENGINES OVERHAULED. TRANS-missiou. $3: rear. $5: guaranteed.

Belview Garage. 2th Sergeant ts. bel. Hun tin g'n FOR SALE 1913 POPE-HARTFORD TOUR-tng car. $350; can be seen at garage.

629 N. Broad st. It. C. H.

ROADSTER. 1913. GOOD CONDI-tion. $200. Indiana Garage.

Second and In- 1 Tim 15 BCYS BUICK TOURING CAR. JUST painted and overhauled. 629 N. Broad. 1915 FORD TOURING.

DEMOUNTABLE Rims, shoes with extra equipment. 629 N. Broad. STI UKKAKKR TOURING CAR. ENGINE good condition new tires $100.

631 N. Broad. PANEL DELIVERY BODY. SETT ANY LIGHT chassis, cheap. Laundrv.

1629 North Tenth. $200 BUYS RFJO TOURING CAR: PERFECT condition, with guarantee. 631 North Broad. $100 BUY'S RACY OVERLAND ROADSTER: bargain, today only. 631 North Broad.

RBO TOUTONG cXW. OV ERH LED AND painted. $100. 629 N. Broad.


Mr. Larsen. 50 North 52d street. FORD TOURING BODY AND TOP. first offer.

N-332. Inquirer office. 1913. TO HIRE LIMOUSINE. $1.50 TO $2 PER hour.

1515 Thompson. Poplaj 3217. 1913 NANCE 5-PASSENGER. excellent condition, jmust sacrifice at once. $250.


Indiana Garage2d and Indiana ave. BUICK. SEVEN PASSENGER. GOOD COS-dition: rheon if sold at once. 2135 North 18th.

TO HIRE 5-PASSENGER. INCLOSED TOP. go an.vwhere. $1.50 per hour. Tioga 7767 J.

STUDEBAKER COUPE, very classy, warm and cozy. $290. Storage 2033 Lehigh. OLD AUTOS WANTED. ANY' AGE OR CON- ditton: prices.

Dougherty. 1921 Monument ay. 5 passenger car. self starter, will 'sell cheap. Belmont Garage.

1519 Belmont. Triiml-n II Roadster, 1st $li5 takes it. 1 1 U111UU11 Garage. 1519 Belmont Bel- aye. STUDEBAKER DELIVERY CAR FOR SALE cheap.

223 North Broad. 200 USED CARS FOR SALE: RUNABOUTS, touring and trucks. 629 North Broad. WANTED. FORD TOURING OR ROADSTER, 1915.

cheap cash. Phono Belmont 1491 W. DON'T PAY' STORAGE WHEN YOU CAS sell your car for cash. Fa 629 N. Broad.

FORD TOURING. 1914. SLIGHTLY USED. $250: lot of extras. 327 South street.

PAINTING QUALITY AUTOMOBILE PAINTING AT REA-sonable prices. James F. Markey. Aeorn Garage. Carlisle and Oxford sts.

Paplar 5351. PERSONAL Business Personal 12 Words or Less, SOc; Additional Words. So. Al5FETMETjrD MASSAGE. 869 North 11th street.


127 South 10th st. Wa lnut 72S7 W. BERTHA NICE SEE MB SOON continue well: keen-hanoy. Love. Eddie.

EYES EXAMINED FREE $5 GLASSES for $1. Levi Joseph. opticians. 733 Sa nsom st MANICURING. SCALP TREATMENT.

10 TO 4. 2334 West Sergeant street. GRADUATED MASSEI'SE WISHES A FEW more patien A. Berg man. No.

11 S. 18tb st. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEBTS contracted, except by myself. Jos, Snyder. SCALP TREATMENT, facial measure, hours 10 to 8.

826 Horth. 12tU. Poplar 5923. HOUR .10. 9.

10.... .10. ....10.... NAME J. JACOBS oV CO.



TODAY. DEC 2. 1915. AT 10 A. M.

$25,000 $25,000 ENTIRE STOCK OF Dry Goods and Gents Furnishings, Dress Goods, Sheetings, Muslins, Ginghams, Percales, etc. Fine Line of Ribbons, Hosiery Underwear 500 Dozen Overalls, Shirts, Etc. Fine Line Dress Shirts, Collars, Neckwear, Etc H. EPSTEIN CO. Wholesale Auctioneers.

419 MARKET ST. TODAY. December 2nd. 1913. at 10 A.

M. Dry Goods and Furnishings Men's Fine Dress and Working: Sbirrs, Dress and Kkl Gloves. Ribbed. Fleece and Wool Underwear. Pajamas.

Nightshirts, etc. Hosiery and Neckwear. Men's Wool Sweaters. Ladies' Skirts. Waists, Sacques.

Kimonos and Wrappers. Ladies' White Goods. Hosiery, Neckwear. Ribbed and Fleece Underwear. Infants' and Children's Wear.

Overall and Jackets. Laces. Ribbons and Embroidery. X'otions cd Trimmings. Balmaroons Men's Clothin? NATHAN MARKS CO.

Wholesale Auctioneers. SOU MARKET ST. TODAY. DEC. 2.

3015. AT 10 A. M. Extra Large Shoe Sale TWO ELEGANT UP-TO-DATE STOCKS FOOTWEAR Special laree line: DouKlas. Kor-reet Shape.

Herald Rorfsch. Waltou. Logan, Croset. Ei.dicort-Jehnpou. Alt American, etc.

For iie. misses anj children. Extra large oiTcriE? Land and Goodyear and overshoes, felts and arctics. Heavy shoes rd sporting- thoes. Barnes Loflafid AUCTIONEERS i No.

147 SOUTH FOURTH ST. iCor. Harmouy) Auctioneer. T. Eiiis Parces.

ror-tue Hiea Sheri-T of Samuel f. Freeman Co. PHILADELPHIA. 1519-21 Chestnut Street GEORGE SHAEFFER At'CTlONtCit. 224 N.

8TH. Sales at Retiaon-es cf Families Remorlnc. Alh ti-iu Sales at Srore Every Dav. STRAUSSMAN NEM1ROW WHOLESALE AUCTIONEEES. ai4 MArtiCl-i' STREET.

FORMAN FOX Wholesale Auctioneers. SO N. 3D ST. R. AHERNS CO.

630 MARKET STREET. I. FRANK CO. Wholesale Auctioneers. 30 SO.

THIRD ST. MORTGAGES It words cr SOe additional words, to READY To Ioan on Real Estate. $50. 00 up to any amount. Note or Mortffaire.

A. P. Fritz. 310 Bulletin Bldg. MR.

OR MRS. REAL ESTATE OWNER. If you want funds ciuicklv on 1st or 2d mtce. or note, s-e Arthur J. I-urxil.

121S Chestuut street, and 41 South 52d street. TRUST FI NDS TO LOAN ON FIRST MOET-Kaes. EH NESS STETSON. 1631 Laci MONEY FOR FIRST. SECOND and stlit buildir.2 Asso.

funds. Howard B. Wilson 2122 Germantown avenue. $2Sjry TO IN VEST IN FIRST MORTGAGES, from $150' to 'JsT. Iiifjiiirer office.

XIONEV FOR 1ST OR 2D CITY OR country. R. T. MIDDI.EToN. 7i: Waiutttst.

P1ANUS AND PLAYER-PiAHOS lor per fine Ittii'v. SOc per line fundfiu SEND FOR LIST OF PIANOS AND PLAT-ers forfeite.1 fir every iustrument in absolutely perfect condition: also large line of new pianos and players direct from the makers: at a saving cf $10O to $2'JO: open evenings: easy terms. North Phila. Storage Eehigh. Tioga 72r.

IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN IN USED PI-lures oi any make, write for bargain booklet. 1S Sons. Dent. 1. Phi lade iphja.

PI A VOQ tuned, repaired. $1.50: estimates free; io years with Cunning- bum's shop. ioi! Spring Garden. Hubet Soden. $10" HANDSOME LFJSTFIR MAHOGANY" UP-right grand, guaranteed: cost $ox.

Micbener. Open evenings. HIGH-GRADE l'LAYER PIANO. SLIGHTLY used, private owner must sell for cash. Ian of tVe.

1th and Arch. PLAYER PIANO. HIGH GRADE. TITTLE used; private family; cash. L-Iol.

Inquirer office. BEST MAKE PIANO. UPRIGHT. SLIGHTLY tfod. sacri rice, priva te owner.

44 North lth. LITTLE USE.D PIANO. mtit sell this week. PROMINENT MAKE. 2Kif North 17th.

1.00 Piano tuning. work guaranteed. I'enn Tuning 202 N. 5th st. SS-NOTFJ PLAYER PIANO.

MAHOGANY. cheap. g'xxl condition. 211) North Second. 1.00 I'iano tuning, repairing a 6peeialtv.

.1. Mitchell. 3422 N. 5th st. WILL PAY" CASH FOR UPRIGHT PIANO.

Titus, 20th and Lehigh. Tioga 7250. $1.00 jVtal.1 KNAPP. 512 N. STH.

riANO. GOOD MAKE. UPRIGHT. BEST CON-dition fa mily must se 11 T-llH). Inquirer off.

FAMILY" WILL SELL LUDWIG tiue tone. i'70s) Tasker street. TALKING MACHINES RECORDS 15r ver line Daily. 20e ver line Sunday S38 LARGE ZONOPHONE TALKING MACHINE With cabinet and fifty records, finished Jn beautiful quartered oak. cost new $S4.

be paid seventy-five cents weekly. An excel-" lent bargain, in good condition. Write for complete list of bargains and special trial offer. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. 6th Thompson Philadelphia, Pa.

Edison Diamond Point Phonograph Cost $60 new. This outfit is complete with records and will be sold for $3S. payable 75c weekly. Call or write for complete descriptions and large Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES.

Cor. 6th Thompson Philadelphia. Pa and Music Rolls bought, sold XvCCOrQS exchanged. 5c up. Open -ywvi eTOniu.s C133 soring Garden.

HORSES It words or less. SOc: additional words, to SEVENTEEN GOOD WORK HORSES AND two extra heavy mules, also ten Feely droo-bottoni wagons and one Watson wagan, all harness and stable implements. Sale after Tuesday. 2653 Christian street. A LARGE FIRM WILL EITHER HIRE, lease, or sell their horses upon easy payments to any responsible parties.

E-347. Inquirer office. GOOD WORK HORSE. SUITABLE LIGHT delivery. $15: week's trial.

131 South 6rtth. SORREL HORSE dry. 162i North FOR SALE Tenth. CHEAP. Lauu- CARRIAGES AND WAGONS it words or less.

SCc: additional words, to WE ABE GOING INTO THE AUTOMOBILE! business and making a sacrifice of our stock of wagons: no reasonable offer refused; anyone that is looking for cheap wagous, carriages, harness or sleighs, call at 223 and 225 North Broad. CLOSING OUT ALL CARRIAGES. WAG- onettes. cutunders. top wagons, pony cart and wagons, runabout, sulkies, phaetons.

Vie-teriasand 50 sets of harness. 1125 Cherry st. express, light delivery, laundry: sev. good cnr'gs. very cheap.

1371 Ridge aye. AUTOMOBILES JSc ver line Daily. SOc per line Pvndan FOR SALE PARTS FOR WINTON" 4. ET-ruore. Autocar and two-cyjinder Buick.

3916 North Fairhill treet, BUICK ROADSTER. IATE MODEL. DH-nionntable rims. $250. ouiek sale.

629 N. Broad. STUDEBAKER SELF-STARTER. DEMOUNT-able rims, just overhauled and painted. 629 North Broad FOR TOURING CAR.

EXCELLENT CONDI-tion. fully equipped. Apply Manor Garage. 447 Oueen street. Germantown.

SELF-STARTER MITCHELL. IjATB MODEL. electric lights. 6-eylinder. new tires.

$450. 629 North Broad street. ON ACCOUNT OF 5-passenger car. DEATH. 115 N' WILL SACRIFICE 55th St.

1911 CADILLAC TOURING CAR. NEWLY painted and overhauled; $100L 631 N. Broad. 191 3 CHALMERS TOURING. WITH GUAR.

new tires, demountable rims. 629 N. f915 LOZIER TOURING. ELEC. LIGHT AND starter: ex Ira equipment.

629 Nort Broad HAYNES TOURING CAR, newly painted and overhauled; guaranteed; $20Q. 629 N. Broad. $200 BUYS HUDSON ROADSTER. PERFECT condition: tires like new.

629 North. Broad. ARCH. 1S2S Finely furnished room with bath. also second front room with steam heat: all co nvemences ARCH.

2124 double rooms, running water; g2 tip; light housekeeping allowed. ARCH. 161S Xicely furnished housekeeping jrooms. with kitchenette; other ARCH li04-0(3 TAIadison) Fur.

rooms. gl.50 up weekly; also bskpg. apartments. ARCH. 1526 Furnished rooms, with bath; also housekeeping rooms rooms go up.

ARCH. 2011 and 2015 Attractively fur. rooms. steam heat, running water, $2 upwards. ARCH STREET.

1426 (Girard) Laree front a rlor for rent both phones. BROAD. NORTH. 829 Elegant apartment, furnished or unfurnished, electric lights, cas. a th.

'pbone. BROAD. NORTH. 1522 Two lovely large rooms, fourth floor, for housekeeping, nicely furnished hot. cold water; very reasonable.

BROAD! NORTH. 804 Furnished front and eommunicatiiiij housekeeping, sleeping rooms, $2. BROAD. NORTH. 817 Nicely furnished room.

communicating bath. S2.0O week. Poplar 5402 BROAD, SOUTH, 418 Desirable vacancies, single, en suite; unlimited hot water; 'phone. BROWN. 1704 Xicely furnished warm rooms.

all conveniences. CAMAC. 1S34 Second-tory running water, all conveniences. front room. COXESTOGA.

152S Furnished rooms, mod- er neco-umoda tlon wi 1. 1 1 young couple. COLLEGE AVENUE. SOUTH. 1930 Fnrnisbed or unfurnished rooms, with or without board.

COLUMBIA 1616 Xicely fur. rooms for housekeeping: conveniences; reasonable. CtU.UMBIA 15092 large front rooms, furnished or Housekpg. running water DAUPHIN. 632 3d floor cor.

room, hina. liueu: enameled hath: conveniences. DIAMOND. 1113 Two or three well-heated rooms, housekeeping, running water: reuson- a bl DIAMOND. 1116 Two furnished rooms, housekeeping, gas range, water.

no children. EIGHTH, North. 2110 Well heated apartments, single or en suite; reliable tenant; reasonable. EIGHTH. XORTII.

919 Unfurnished rooms. privilege light housekeeping: gas. telephone; owner: Gentile. EIGHTH NORTH. 455 Neatly furnished rooms; private family, all conveniences with heat.

EIGHTH. 2332 Large, handsomely fur'd second front, housekpg: heat, china. linem ELEVENTH. NORTH. 649 Clean furnished front rooms, housekeeping, gas range, running water.

S3. $3.50. ELEVENTH. XORTII. 670 Second fronf suite.

furnished. housekeeping; hot water heat, range. ELEVENTH. SOUTH. 216 Desirable rooms.

sin-le. double, adjoining bath: hot water heat, "phone. ELEVENTH. NORTH, 824 Two rooms furnished housekeeping apartments, single, S1.7: chi ldrerK ZLEVENTIL NORTH. 655 Parlor, third back.

furnished, small room, lodging, well heated. ELEVENTH. 1936 Two rooms for house-keeping: nicely furnished: bath ad.ioining! ELEVENTH. 1941 Furnished. rooms.

runn ing wa tor. range, phone. FAIRMOL'NT AVENUE. 1725 Two communicating, furnished rooms, light housekeeping, second floor front. FAIRMOL'NT.

2403 Two third-story front rooms. housekeeping; conveniences; unfurnished: separate meter. FAIRMOL'NT rooms, light conveniences 1629-housekeeping. Two furnished reasonable, all FIFTEENTH. NORTH.

1634 Beautifully furnished rooms, well heated; ail conveniences; reason a hie. I FT 1 1 "STREET. NORTH. 2250 Furnished and Tin furnished rooms: private family: 'phone. FIFTEKXTH.

NORTH. 1311 Beautifully furnished rooms for light housekeeping; three and four rooms with private bath. Phone Poplar 4914 W. FIFTY-FIFTH. SOUTH.

434 Two rooms, fur- ed or unfitr is ed elec tic light a beat. FIFTY-SIXTH. NORTH. 38 Nicelv furnished rooms, privilege light housekeeping; near ele-vated station. FRANCIS STREET.

173S Furnished wcotid front and back, communcating. housekeep-ing: S3 weekly. HAMILTON STREET. 194U Large front room, 11 rnished or unfurn i shed. HOWARD 2029 F'urnished apartment.

a Iso single room, well heated: all convs. HUNTING PARK. 14U9 (Near Broad) Furnished front room, hot water beat. LOCUST. 1229 (Morton Apartments! Splendidly furnished, warm rooms, excellent bath ac-cimuinilation: 'phone.

LOGAN SQUARE. 183A-1S32 Race I Larg" elegantly furnished rooms, hot and cold running water, rates reasonable, well heated. McKKAX STREET. 1536 For rent, furnished rooms. housekeetdng.

MARSHALL. ILL. 322 Clean. quiet home: nicely furnished room erman family. MASTER.

1215 Two communicating rooms, light housekeeping; gas range: low rent. MELON. 1003 Housekeeping lodging; din-ing room, kitchen. reasonable. gas, heat.

MONTGOMERY AVENUE. 2236 Two unfurnished rooms, second floor, with bath. $7 monttu VERNON. 12o-2 Comfortable rooms, hot ter heat. fl.SQ nt: conveniences; 'phone.

MT. VERNON. 1611 Three rooms, handsomely urnished. housekeepii' g. cas range, water.

NINTH STREET. SOUTH. 2H5 Nicely furnish--d rooi bath, hot and cold water. NORRIS. 1625 Furnished, unfurnished two 3d fl i rooms, wa tor, sitting room re a sonable.

OXFORD. 17iw Three unfurnished rooms, well heated, private family: terms reasonable; 'phone. PALMER STREET. EAST. 1222 Nicely fm-ntshed 3-room house only S3 weekly.

PALMER. EAST! 921 (below Girard ave.) Furnished 3-ruom house. S2.i5 weeklv. PAXOX. SOUTH.

143 Two rooms, or unfurnished. month. furnished PAXOX. 21 Furnished communicating hskpg rooms; half block 52d elevated: convs. RACE.

1613 Two or four very handsome rooms, unfurnished; board if desired. RACE. 1710 Second front and second floor communicating rooms, a iso other rooms. SEVENTH. NORTH.

516 Rooms." "housekeeping or lodging, single or communicating. $1.25 up. SIXTH. XORTII. 2147 Furnished second floor trout.

housekeeping; all conveniences, separate meters. SIXTEENTH. NORTH. 2002 Unfurnished first floor, verw comfortable large kitchen, gas range. SIXTEENTH.

14'M Th'rc" rooms. first floor. $5 yard, small r. LoO. Apply.

I XT EEN TIL 713 Ma ml souk ly fur. bouse-keeping apt. next to bath: 'phono; reasonable. SIXTIETH AND SANSON! (S. E.

Cor.) Fur-nished rooms, housekeeping, $2. SPRING GARDEX. 1712 two rooms, kit chenet te, bath stat jonery wash tubs: yard. SPRING GARDEN. 12:57 Nicelv funi'd rooms.

ti i con ve ii i nee plenty heat: reas 'Phone. SPRUCE. 120S Single room, second floor, also one double room, well heated. SPRUCE. 924 Apartments, single or double, ru ri i wo er suitable for gentlemen.

SPRUCE. 920 Xewlv furnished apartment, single and double, steam beat telephone. SPRUCE. 931 5 lwautifullv fur. parlors, running wa tor refined surroundings: 'phone.

SPRUCE! Beatntifullv furnished second front. with apiano: other large room 3. SUSQUEHANNA 133 Xicely furnished, steam heated rooms, bath. $2 up. THIRT EENT if! RTh! 20512 nf urnished 3d flop r.

housekeepi ngja 1 so nicelv fur, room. THIRTEENTH. N. 2150 Second, or floor ro 1 i nnfiir. housekeeping: reas.

THIRTY-FOURTH. NORTH. 19-Small adult family, have several nice rooms; all conveniences. THOMPSON. EAST nished three-room 623 (above Palmer) Fur-house, only $3 weekly.

TWELFTH. XORTII. 146 Furnished or unfurnished frout or sitting room, hot water heat. TWELFTH. 631 Two rooms.

furnished housekeeping, gas range, water, porch. $4.50. TWELFTH. SOUTH. 116 Central desirable looms, single or en suite.

$2 up. Telephone. TWENTY-FIFTH. parlor, furnished, fined. $2.50 1861 Communicating housekeeping, laundry, re- TWEXTY-FIRST.

NORTH. 2258 Two rooms. completely furnished, housekeeping, running water. Call evenings. VINE.

1713 Large parlor, light housekeeping. suitable for man or VINE. 16(H) -Newly papered, unfurnished flat. well heated, monthly $17. WALLACE.

1833 Elegant rooms, steam heated, excellent table, reasonable. Poplar 6100-W. WALNUT 1221 Desirable com. rooms, second floor- "with. without board: table board.

WALNUT. 1018 Handsome rooms, two Persons. $3.50 up: steam heat: also single. WALNUT. 101S 2 rooms, private bath, kitch-pnette completely steam heat: reas'e.

WESTMINSTER. 6120 Two or three unfurnished rooms, second floor, light housekeeping: bat h. WTLLIXGTOX. NORTH. 1705 (between 16th and 17th.

Columbia avenue) Large unfurnish- 1 oom. ousekeeping. FOR KENT for one or two ladies, two unfurnished rooms, second floor. Girard avenue; ri-ivileo-os- rent $7: no children. B-360.

In quirer office, or phonMarket 582. ROOMS WANTED Jt words or leas. SOc: additional v-ordstr Y)UNG WOMAN desires two unfurnished rooms light housekeeping, not over $10 mouth; easv distance to Broad and Columbia avenue. inquirer itiii'-e. WE RENT ROOMS quickly, furnished or un furnished, west i-uiumciuuii- ing Service.

418 South Fifty-second street. or' phi no Wood I and 4860. i WANTED. TWO ROOMS. FURNISHED, pri vate family; convenient io oi eievaitu.

L-562. Inquirer xcu. o-o jn-rt. YOUNG MAN desires furnished room near P9th and" Chester. D-2794.

Inquirer branch. 5631 Chester ROOMS, unfurnished, three or four; downtown $6 to $8 per montn. n-aai, xoq uiin viu-rr. COUNTRY BOARDING I HAVE A VERY NICE HOME IN THE suburbs of with twelve acres of land, lawn and shade trV'es. one of the most quiet, restful places in Philadelphia: persons desiring home comforts end complete rest with good practical care can communicate with.

This is no sanitarium, can be reached by train and trolley. G-298. Inquirer office. SPECIAL NOTICES CONSTABLE'S SALE CONTENTS MER. chant Tailor Store, lufr S.

Hth Thursday morainKi Dec. 2nd, 11 clock. SEV FINTEE'NTH ABOVE YORK. FINE order; sell, colored family. REAKIRT.

1619 Wrest Yo rk. i DELICATESSEN. GROCERY FOR SALE cheap: old established, good business: good reason for selling. S-347. Inquirer office.

West Philadelphia APARTMENT HOUSE FOR SALE: 22 rooms: many with baths. L-934S. Inquirer office. Germantown HAVE SEVERAL DESIRABLE UP-TO-DATE bouses in Germantown for sale at assessed yalue. HENNING.

5040 Wayne avenue. Suburban Property FOX CHASE EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. STREET. HARD-wood finish, hot-water heat. $2800.

H. F. HARTWIG. T403 street. OAK LANE BEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED IX OAK Lane: new detached dwelling, worth $7800.

will be sacrificed for anick sale: 10 rooms. 2 baths: large lot: every modern improvement: fine location: terms to suit. SWEENEY BROTHERS. 6810 York road. Mew Jersey Property BRIDGEPORT FOR SALE OX FARM.

CONSISTING OF S2 acres of good truck land, situated near Bridgeport. X. with a frontage on the Raccoon River: good location for summer cottages: a fine modern house with all other good farm buildings. Apply to W. J.

HELMS. Agent. Bridgeport. N. PEXSS GROVE 700 LOTS Adjoining the DuFont Works cow being sold.

Prices, $100 Up New buildings on all sides. Enormous de-maud for houses. Write or call. Fenns Grove Improvement Co. PEXXS GROVE.

X. FAIt $2250 CLEAR. $25o CASH. $20 i.i.Aii. 1.

1 acres: excellent laud, near Woodburv: S-m house, outbuildigs. fruit, shade, water: nriles out EM Arch. room 13 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 12 words or less. SOc: additional words. City Propertv 29RI NORTH FOURTH.

ROOMS 435 Berks. 8 rooms 1924 E--sr Firth. rooms 1915 Muttr street. 6 rooms 194 4 Reese street 2642 Waterloo Mutter. 5 ivonw $20 14 i 11 10 HoOL.

51 2NO RRIS STREET. FOR RENT. 7 ROOM HoUSE. PORCH XD all (361 P.uist avenue, re-ent-lv papered an! painted. $15 month.

Owner, 3621 Nortli liiwreace street. 'Phone Kcnsiisg-ton 46. STORE "AND DWELLING. SUITABLE FOR grocery, cigars, Inirber; enh Sltj monthly: store open. 479 York near Fifth and But ton woo INDIA ANT iA-I EY STREET.

NORIH-wet section; cow! locat.on for barber or hi rd ware 11 ren-. $25 month. JAMES A. McNEI.IS. Sorry rsef.

nf 23-L PARK FRONT RESIDENCE. UU NORTH Thirty-third street, i c-iov, 2 baths, tiiijdern. la rye; vicsv of Park. Telephone 51 OS. MER VINE STREET.

13216 ROOM AND bath. $1. per iiicprh. ELMER 5tii and Master streets. 17 CHESTNUT ST DWELLING PART OP house for rent; pass.i.TS at on'-e.

Appivto E. j. AKKISON. phila. Diquirer.

S9.r) LARtiE. HOUSE. Kanee. water, tas. North Reese, near Fifth and Lehigh.

LtM USr STREET. 23 1 -NEWLY TkNTvTCt-ed: $14 te uionth. Atudv AT KINS. i4r J4th tret. MODERN DWELLING.

17 ROOMS. S. it.i'".i.. for aijartiiietit or business: very central; thor- oitvhlv tiovHted. Ponliir.

iwiier. $15- LARGE. 0-lioi)M lUl SE. Till! EfJBED r-ioins. bHth.

sr.vl 124 Marcher. 1 1 2 ONT Rils E. 1EL CbrisTi'aiu 5- badi rane; oiwn. $19 NINE VMS. TH HEVSTioT." H)V von iencesj lrce yard.

North Seventh. ZZZl A ND WAI.1."a k'EE T-" Ei rrini5: C1 'ondition: rent. $13. $l- 24 GARNET SEEN FROM 11 TO 2-11 duoed from STOKES Central Store Manf. Floors of ail kinds in central business section, exceptional opportunities in rentals.

ORAM MORGAN. 1524 Chestnut St. SMAl.b STORE, en 15th letween Market A- At" st. Apply C. tienkert.

15'm Arch. f*ckms foh rfnt 121" market ft x)r. 22-l et bct and elevator service Imi'tire of engineer. UlLtSS KOOMS AM) OFFICES TWH SECOND FLOoit OFITCES. Warner H'lildira.

15('w Arch street. Applr W. C. BENKERT. Arch street.

West Philadelphia BEFORE they are all gone you should look at the three-story houses ou Willows avenue, west of street, for rent at a month te desirable tenants; these are extremely nice houses in a most attractive neighborhood, and ereat bargains at this moderate rental. Ask for Mr. Fox. South 5111 street, corner of Willows avenue, ageut for Pemberton Estates. $16 SIX ROOMS.

BATHT" PORCH. alk to D.trbv suhwav cars. Kevs at clfi'-e. gQ'itu 51-t street. 5542 LI STF.

ET 1 551TI AXi WOOD-lanii aventiei. 5 rooms, onlv $11. Call. Tioga S419 NORTH 22 STREET: 11 ROOMS modern: reut $rir. I'LMKIi.

20th and Tioa. Pennsylvania Property IANSDALE FIVE-ROOM HOPSE- FOR RENT. IARGE Gar den. hi. ken house.

oer conth. GEORGF. W. WHITE. Lausdale.

Pa. REAL ESTATE WANTED 11 words or Uss SOc: additional words, tn WANTS TO BUY Home. lltii to 1Mb. Columbia to York, about $U0iO: must be bargain. WHITMAN- RK IJARDSON.

1S47 NoHh 12th. WANT A AIT, BUILDING OR STABLE with an office attached, suitable for slackins lime and storinc covers: state rent. R-37i. Inouirer of rice. FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED WANTED.

to sublet a furnished house hi the Girard Estate. PAUL P. BLACKBURN. U. S.

S. Kansas. I.easue Island. $. 75.0-vj Urea.


Commonwealth Bldg. BUSINESS BOOMS AND OFFICES I WANT DESK ROOM NEAR CITY HALL. Imiuirer office. FAKMS HATE SfiOO EOUITY' IN 5 ROOM. PORCH house, with conveniences.

unrt usivuient on small farm. ENGLISH. 1208 Arch. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE It words or less. SOc: additional words, in SEVERAL DESIRABLE DWELLINGS IN Olnev with larse lots; will take vacant lots or smaller houses in part pavinent: no brokers or trirlers need answer.

B-204. Inouirer office. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS IS words or less. SOc: additional words. 2c FLATS Second floor faciutt Fairroount Park: liaht.

heat, cooking cas. private bath: furnished er unfurnished: $24 per mouth. Ad-dress Postoffice Box Philadelphia. WEST PHILADELPHIA GENTLEMAN WILL RENT HIS UNFURN-ished housekeeping apartment in West Phila. and take table" board.

L-33S. Inquirer office. APARTMENTS IS words or less. SOc. additional words.

So 1 OFFER a larce variety of apartutents at varied- prices and to meet almost any requirement. Call or send for list. Automobile service to inspect apartments If desired. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD.

1411 Walnut st. SPRUCE 6260 RACE 3025. FIFTEENTH. N. 1618 BACHELOR APART-tnents.

two rooms, private bath, furnished. garage, 'pbone. THOMPSON. 1319 TWO ROOMS AND bath. cozy second front, refined location; opposite so ua re.

ALTON 2026 N. 12th $20 to $25. two rooms, kitchenette, bath. hot-water heat. Schappelle.

nth and Norri 1524 WEST YORK STREET Beautiful furnished apartment, private bath, all modern conveniences, beat apd gas. SIXTY-THIRD. 820 lOverbrookl Attractive furnished corner apartment, two rooms, bath and kitchen. $40. BARING STREET.

4031. No. 32 Will sublet furnished corner apartment; two rooms, bath and kitchen. $40. 13TIL NORTH.

142') UNFURNISHED OR furnished housekeeping, all new. steam latest Improvements. MT. VERNON. 1834 Excellent apartments in 7 different houses, some furnished, kitchenettes.

APARTMENTS WANTED If words or less. SOe: additional words, to WATEDAOrNCE. apartment or suit of rooms, not less than three, with private bath, in neighborhood of public sehopl. with convenient car service to Baldwin Locomotive Works: preference will be given to modern improvements, not to quantity of rooms: answering state full particulars', including price, improvements, steam heat preferred. Address O-310.

Inquirer office. TWO FURNISHED rooms, light housekeeping, near school and Fairniount Park. Merlier, Margate City. New Jersey. BUILDING MATERIAL 12 words or less.

SOc: additional words, tc 10.0O0 FEETP 3x8. 14 AND 16 FEET LONG. vellow pine; 3x12. 18. "feet lone, hemlock.

773 Souti Second street. DAVIS HARVEY STORE. 910 WALNUT STREET. Sales at Residences of Families Removing. Bales at Store every Tuesday and Friday.

ON EXHIBITION TODAY Special Auction Sale OF Superior Furniture Stetson Player Piano Ciirard Mahogany Upright Piano Handsome Carpet Kujfs, etc. AT Davis Harvey's Anction Store 910 WALNUT STREET TOMORROW (FRIDAY) MORNING. 10 O'CLOCK NOTE Friday's Sale includes consignments of Elegant New Furniture from the surplus stock of a manufacturer. An opportunity for persons furnishinji to purchase Mzh Rrade goods at auction prices. THE SALE INCLUDES Oak and Mahogany Buffets, Round Extension Tables.

China Cabinets. Sets of Dining-room Cbuirs. Brass Bedsteads. Circassiau Walnut and Mahogany Bedroom Suits. Dressing Bureaus, princess Dressers.

Chiffoniers and Dressing Tables. Mahogany and library Suits. Library Easy Chairs. Library Tables. Couches.

ic. Player Piano and Upright Pianos Stetson Player Piano and Girard Upright Piaao in mahogany cases. HANDSOME NEW CARPET RCOS Beautiful Osjgn3 of Wilton. Velvet and Brussels Size 15x12. 1S.6-12, 13.6H0.6.

12xT0.G. 12x0. lO.CxS.8. 6. CALL TODAY AND EXAMINE PENNSYLVANIA AUCTION CO Wholesale Auctioneer-.


M. Ladies Men's Furnishings Underwear. Hosiery, Gloves. Top Shirts. Brand Collars, Neckwear, Har.dkerchietv.

Mtifflor. Infants' Wear. Knit Goods, Corset. Waists. Skirts, Linens.

Curtains. Kircads. -Sweaters. White Good a. Fancy Goods, Clean Notions, etc- Cotton Dress Goods Velvets.

Ribbons. Laces Plushes, Velcar AIl2Tr5.Cbiffous,Licen9, Woolens, etc. The Philadelphia Art Galleries ts. E. Cor.

15th Chestnut 2(1 llooj KEED II. WALMER. Mtr. Late. M.

THOMAS SONS ESTABLISHED 1805. JamesA.Freeman'sSons 5. W. COR. 12th and Chestnuc SECOND FLOOR.


604 MARKET ST. DAVID KASKEY Wholesale Auctioneers. 14 N. FOURTn ST. VVM.

F. COMLY SON 27 SOUTH SECOND STREET. PERSONAL Business Personal it Words or Less. SOe; Aaaiiionai noras. tc.

SOLOIST A recent graduate of the New York School of Music and Arts, who has had experience in singing in the leading concert balls in New York city, desires a position as soloist in music hail. club, hotel, references is to ehiracter and ability gladly furnished. A-352. Inauirer office. VICTIMS OF ACCIDENTS and others having claims for damages of any kind, communicate with roe at once; I will protect your interests and see that you obtain proper redress; no money required.

Edward B. Lentz. 305 Hutchinson Building. 122 South 13th Street, Philada THE PHOTOPLAY TITLES AS CONSTRUED by advertiser in newspaper illustrations. No.

1 to ott. of Universal Movie Game prize contest now running; will be mailed to auv address on receipt of 50c. in coin, stamps, check or money order: Nos. 1 to 25 for 25c. Fostoffice Box 272.

Philadelphia. Pa. -J a woman $68.80 for a lot VV ill LI of jewelry she Cad been offered $40 for elsewhere. We buy old gold and silver, jewelry, platinum and false teeth: highest prices paid for diamonds. LEE.


PHONES 47 N. 10TH ST. EST. 1902 Adjustment Investigate Co. 1220 FILBERT STREET.

ROOMS 21 22. AH accident, damage cases, and domestic matters investigated and adjusted promptly; no charge unless successful. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. DON'T throw your old clothes away; Benlamin pavs for old suits: $6. for overcoats: $1.50 for trousers: 75c for shoes.

Try us. Write, call or phone. Market 4823-W. Benjamin. 620 North Front.

VP -c, 50c. 60c for Victor Double-Face Records. PAY exchange All. 5c. Open 7 A.


BETWEEN 16 and 2,. preferably light in color, to pose for portrait head. Applv to Georse Biddle. 1619-21 Sinsoru street, third floor right, today between 3 and 4.30. SAMUEL AURELIO.

HAS SOLD CIGAR store. 2204 South Twelfth, to Albert Sullivan. Creditors present claims by Friday. December 3. PAWN TICKETS Fot Diamonds ll 1 rr 1.

i r.t. t- prices Strictly confidential. E-29S. Inq. orf.

WE CARPET your floors with beautiful rugs. $2.50 to $5.50: bring size of rooms. LUTZ RI-G 931- Arch stree t. MAN (CURING. VAPOR BATHS.

GENERAL massage: select patronage: 10 to 5. 1239 North 15th. GENTLEMEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES bought, highest prices paid: send postal. SAM CEL.

610 North Fron arket DIAMONDS centaisEST HARRY W'. SMITH. 717 Sartso'm St. I WILL NOT RH RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY debts uuless contracted by mvslf GEORGE A. HEFFNER.

JR. WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for hills unless contracted bv myself after this date Jj-anklinDaridegrift. 455 North Dearborn. GENTLEMEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES boiigiit.

highest prices pand: send postal. Saniuel. 610 North Front. Market 494. MANICURING.

"PEDICURING. FACIAL scalp treatments, wishes more patronage. Miss Sander. l.Vi.1 Poplar. WANTED THREE MIDTJetIT BOTH SEX report at once: those with show experience preferred.

2t4 1 A re st reeL STANDARD SECRET SERVICE BUREAU Male and female detectives: work guaran-teed or no charge for service. 1535 Chestnut. MAX GRAFT. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 1535 CHESTNUT. DIVORCE SPECIALTY.

MISS LACY', electric face and scalp treat-ments. manicuring. 1716 Chestnut. Rm. 35.

SCALP TREATMENT AND MASSAGE, hours 10 to 5. 1 826 il es street. MANICURING HOURS 10 10 6. 1714 RACE treet HAIRDRESSING. SHAMPOOING.

Face and scalp treatment. Chestnut. CARPET CLEANING Carpets Cleaned Clean Our five different processes make ua tbe only carpet cleaners who are in a position to clean all grades satisfactorily. All Grades, 3c Per Yard QUAKER CITY i li.i.ii.ii A st rmminti 400 EAST GIRARD A Rugs Woven From Old Carpets Large Family Wet Wash, 5oc Phone; Kensington. 2441: Keystone.

East 271. A CARPET CLEANING CO. HA I tI 5512-16 Arch Street. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Carpets and Rugs Cleaned Equal to New 3c per yard.

Our autos call anywhere. Hauling 6 mo. storage free. 'Phone Bel. 433 PATRONIZE DOWNTOWN INDUSTRY Star Carpet Cleaning Company.

lVj and Mifflin, 3c per yard. Dickinson 1802. Large Family Wet Wash, 5oc ENTERPRISE I1.tenirpeJreffy.7d0.a Carpet Cleaning, Rug Weaving. Wet Wib. Bell Poplar 1500.

Keystone. Park 4826 A. Mnnor-Vi WEST Carpets cleaned 3c yd. jVlQUdrcn PHILA. 8S70-72 Laucaster GT ENWOOD.

2614 RIDGE AVE. 3C PER yd. Both 'phones. Moving and storage. BOATS It words or- less.

SOe; additional words, to FOR SALE. FOUR-CYLINDER, 86-HORSR power auto engine with carburetor and coii. condition. $20, 8916 North Fair-biH ctaeU WOMAN want day's work or washing, take home. Mori West I'enn street.

Germantown. VOMAN wishes position for cooking and down-s a i rs wor 1 584 North Pa rien street I'Ut'Xfi WOMAN wishes work at home, jio washing. Mrs. Donnelly. 2322 Grata.

SEIVSNG MACHINES It irorda or less. 30c: additional words. So BARGAINS, 50 MACHINES. ALL MAKES: like new. to -S: gjmranjej.

07rch. WANTED I'c rtrr linn Daily. 20c vcr line Sunday ANTIQUE FURNITURE ANTIQUE FURNITURE Old Silver. False Teeth, leather Lods. BURNS.

S. lit h. TOO Sets Old Je" elrv tiold. Silver -i 11 Diamonds. i eei.n Antique Furniture.

Antiques. 735 Walnut Th. Wal. 702 6 st ROLLS .1 0.000 Open evening j. GARDEN.

MUSIC HIGHEST PAID FOR DIAMONDS. old sold: plntinnni. false teeth also pawn ft i I'kets. Filbert st second floe rent. lioK-A Tpptll 01,1 cold, silver.

platinum. rUbe 1 tClll hii-'hest prices. paid. 100 trading stamps to each customer. 2 S.

61b. Trading Stamps Tobacco fairs. bought, sold and exchanged. 46 N. 12th.

12th. lb om S'7. Old Gold Silver, watches out of order, highest prices paid. 45 X. lbth.

Stamps bought. exchanged for doubl ps. 4.i X. loth. Records Victor.

Columbia chanced, ot up. 4 boiiE in X. luth. BA THRRS-I NEED 500 FEATHER REDS, highest prices paid. 1337 North Righth.

BOOKS" BOUGHT. ALL KIXDSV SEND AD-j 1 wii 1 a 1 1 I ickeus.p.i!j N.13tlisf. WANTED. A BAKER'S PUSH CART. CALL Girard avenue.

ANTED. ONE AND TWO TON coal v- a gens. od con.liti"i! cheap. 'Phne DiaimuM 1SQ WANTED. OFFICE Ht DESK I TO rent on first floor.

122 str- FURKITURE WANTED 15c vcr 1H': Daihi. 20- vcr I i Furniture, Carpets, Pianos Wanted Positively Highest Cash Prices Pir.d. WE RT'V EVER THING IN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE rarpets. bedding, part or entire households. It will pav von to set ur estimate before felline to second-hand Calls receive prompt attention, citv and country.

COLUMBIA FURNITURE CO. 1804 North 8th Street TELEPHONE KENSI GTOX 4311-J. Furniture Wanted Immediately f- ciitl tnit" fii rn 1 1 it to secon d-band flcalcrs: sell direct to the iuan that furnishes unartmeBt houses and hotels: bishest cash prices paid. Antique and modern furniture, carpets and runs of every description. Give us a call before selline to anybody.

We do Siovinsr. packing and sbippins. Morris Weisman, Jr. 613 W. Norris Street Kensington 1 Estimates Sundays and Tenlnep.


M. 2072 RIDGE AVENUE Furniture, Carpets, Pianos Part or entire household, office furniture, restaurant's and store fixtures. BEST CASH PRICES PAID. Furniture wanted immediately to furnish hotels and apartment boutves. MILLER COMPANY IOrLAR 4SS 1329 RIDGE AVE.

Before Selling Your Furniture ti anyone, drop a card to the American Furniture Co. We are positively the highest price Wo buy entire households, apart-aients. storace receipts. American Furniture Co. Main OfSep, 1021 Oeimantown Ave.

PU RX IT A ED IMMEDIA1 KLY. Positively highest cash prices paid. Write, phone o'" cll and we will call irnmediatelv. SAMUEL'S. 1731 RIDGE AVENUE.

P.ell 'Phone. Poplar Paid for furniture. Part SnOT entire households. OLUL vaC3ll Wp zr, anvwhere HERMAN. 204O N.

22d. i iopa 5402. FURNITURE. CARPETS." PIANOS: HIGHEST cash rriees paid; si I so antique furniture, false restaurant fixtures. Kahan.

730 West Ts'orris. 1 PAY '1 i I fTh1T; ESTI'R I CES FOR X'eVV and second-handed furniture: entire households bought, send postal. Sam. 1001 Federal street. furxituke kought.

'also movixg by a'ito; storac and paekina. Radford. 5310 X. Water sf. Phone Wyomimr PATEHTS X'ATEXTS.

'1 It APE-MARKS SEND FOR MY free book HOW To OFT THEM." It's full of Infirtaation vim should know. Hours 30 A. M. tt, r.30 P. and Monday even-jncs until 'J.

JUSHT'A R. H. POT'J S. 92 I'hestnut S'die 312. BOARDING JjPorrff)r7 zfic additional icorrlx.

Sn rRCH. Attractively furnished rooms. steam heat, rw.nbiir water. to SS weekly: lictel service and p.ihle. ARCH.

2020 Weil furnished frout room. clean and warm, with board. y.ALTLMORE. 411! -Attractive horTse. Just opened, sirlsle.

do uv rooms, private baths, bop rd. PARING STREET. rooms, board, vriv piioue. (No. 32i Wilt sublet family, select location; CHESTNUT, od home.

4013 rooms, next good tahle: table hoard. bath: ELEVENTH N. couple or gentlemen: hii -Board in sr. married conveniences.

FIFTEENTH. 171V. 1 i.rtft.l a run. nmg water, tnree oaths, hot-water heat FORTY- EVE 1 1 three, would like one or u0 men. room and tioard.

call or write FOURTH STREET. SOUTH ble strictly tirst class. 230 Rooms, ta-! home for men. tllVING STREET 6143-Nioe iet "home, suitable elderly een tloman. and l.ri vilejresin private family.

i twner. HIGH A VEX E. 1 6 1 3- W'. -1 shea third story front room, southern exuosure. clean home.

LEHIGH AVENUE. WEST. loJ.V-Tiood board: plea nant rofim: reasonable. MT. VERNON.

ltiOl Furnished or room, with board: table board. PARK AVE. 2917 (near Broad private fam ily. board opt i a 1 RACE 1505-07 For nice warm and cood 1'oard. try th" Hudson, room au.t board.

fr week: table hoard. S3. K1XTY-ITRST STREET. North. f.l-Nier-lv furnished room with board: all conveniences.

SI Xfif HIRdTX-. S'-'iT 0 verbrooki A ttralive lioard. priv. select phone. SPRUCE STREET.

731 Room and board, conveniences. $4 up: table board. all M'Kl'CE. 1224-2B (Bismondp) Fur. rooms.

Dri. va te baths table board. Walnut7j 71 -w. SPBITE. 623 Men and women can have cood hoard, reasonable, comfortable home.

QIOGA. WES'I and board for refined gentlemen reasonable. TWELFTH "NORTH63.V:"Sinffle and double rooms with board. 4 per week, up; home cooking, table boa rd 'jrivBLFTH. NORTH.

2010 Desirable single toom, near bath, board reasonable, table board TWELFTH. N. 1907- Nicelv furnished warm room, home-like fcurroundiugs. board optional; 'phone. fi XATORIUM Delightful home atmosphere; ipfined nurses, home cooKinjj.

never over seven r-jtients: resident rdiysicjan. L-225. Inquirer off. BOARD WANTED VOUXri marrln couple desire board and room vate adult Catholic family. West referred, references.

O-307. In- in strictly priv Philadelphia pre uuirer office GENTLEMAN wishes board in private family: near references exchauged. W-397, In- i 1 1 i oi ncp MECHANIC desire steady board private family near 912. Inquirer Branch offi -e. Broad i 1 Clf-'irfiepi ANTED, board for infnt: stale itruis.

laaulrer offn.e. Old china, antiques silverware, coins, pistols, old cold, samplers bric-a-brac, old ship l'ie-1 ires. I'enn Antique S. 17tii. Spruce 20V3 1J 1 Silver, platinum, false VJ1(J VjOIQ teeth, diamonds bought.

sold and exchanged. HILA. JEWELRY EX CHANGE. lUJ S. Sth.

AMTIHIIP PIIRMITIIRP CASH GROCERY" for sale: will sell account of health, to N. S. Hallman. STORE AND Restaurant for stock account: sold, on For full particulars write Trnmbanersvilie. Pa.

FOR SALE. COAL, FEED AND FERTILIZER business. 14 miles from Philadelphia, doing a good business; terms reasonable. Address R-296. Inquirer office.

a ar Ni bnT e7V av xriTTo peiTled to sacrifice for less than half value: exceilet location: elegant furniture; rooms alwavs filled. MEYERS A- 46 N. 12th Room 802. GOOD PAYING MEAT MARKET AND GRO-cery, ou main business street: must be sold at once. Sacrifice.

P-2S1. Inquirer office. A RTX WAST ED I lFS soVw 1 d.W to invest: good, established, niauui act urnig silk waists and wash skirts. C-351. Inquirer office.

$5000 EX ERA 'TjUNTItY STYiRE bUSL uess for sale: has postoftiee: would accept some real estate; state what you have to offer 2 6. Inquirer office. 6 of 1 1 Te" est-u aYIo s-f fmit. troduce. rish.

rtvsters- fr.r rent. rensonalle: verv little opposition: 45fti and Lancaster ae-nue. Apidv 7't North 44th. FOR SALE CIGAR AND POOL ROOM. DO-ing a business of per year.

Write for particulars to Box 461. Millersburg. Pa. l'( SAL A 1 'A Til lieali tuily furnished, centrally located, rooms all tilled; d'ath of wife cause of money maker. lress L-336.

Inquirer office. LAWYETilVl5fRE.S" TOFl A H-LEO" tion agency with one experienced in the col-le-tion business: references exchanged. NV-124. Inquirer office. you iTbu "sin eoTd- Without publicity.

Call: have MEYERS 46 N. 12th bn vers. Room 802. WANTED. BLACKSMITH WORK: WELL equipped shop to do blacksmith work; estimates cheerfully given.

George M. Cold). 17 til and Glenwood aveuue. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR WITH RETAIL store, on main street, will sacrifice half interest of business to electrician for moderate sum. R-347.

Inquirer office. BARBER SH( )P! OE NTH A L. FOUR CI fA I Ifs! short hours: reasonable. Leo C. Beuitz.

6.36 Arch. MEN ALREADY EMPLOYED CAN increase income by utilizing spare time. H-393. Inquirer office. FI LLEL) WITH 50 CARS.

gallons gas month, clearing $.35" i monthly; oulv Oerniantown avenue. CP JAR. ('AXDY ANT ICE "cYeam store for sale, opposite school; $5o0. 4ol West Dauphin. SP'KNESS COMPELS sale apartment house, 3S roojns.

clearing $25') month. Campl'ell 21. Parkway Broad a nil Cherry. BARBER SHOP. THREE CHAIRS IN GER-mantown.

ing good business, for ale on uc-count of sickness. S-337. Incjuirer GROCE itv! ITS 1 1 AN I ST IT A 1 West disagreement of parties; quick sacrifice. R-22. Inquirer offiie.

A PA RTM EXT HOUSE FO SAI.E. ROOMS single or en suite: nicelv furnished: servh.g first-class ajs 16 13 1 lnc st reet. MEAT MARKET FOR SALE. CHEAP RENT. selling on account of other business.

255 X'orth 62d. GROCERY DOING WEEK CASH: Established l. years: traffic street. Campbell Co 21 Park way Bldg Proa and Cherry MEAT MARKETS, one doing $200') month; another $1200: others. Arthur J.

Leuuold. 41 South f.2d. BARBER SHOP. ALSO BARBERS' Fixtures for sale, very leasonabie. 1503 West Cumberland street! CONFECTIONERY AND CIGAR STORE, stock and fixtures for saie.

154 North Twelfth street. CIGAR AND POOL ROOM. ALWAYS BUSVT Nice home: bargain. Campbell 217 Parkway Bujldi wd an berry. $35o FAXCY GROCERY AND ELI A -s'n store, northwest l'hiladelphia.

Commercial Business Exchange. 129 North 11th street. PARTNER FOR RESTAURANT: ONE To act as manager: must invest $100o as equal partner. Ij-371. Inquirer office.

ON ACCOUNT OF OTHER BUSINESS WE II sell a good milk, butter and house. cheap. 2411 Stanley. APARTMENT HOUSE, central. $150 month over expenses: refined iK'rmanent tenants.

Campbell 217-Park'v Broad CIGAR. CONFECTIONERY'; weeklv: store and dwelling: fer refused. Call today. 86; receipts $51 rent $14; no of-' East Ontario. OYSTER HOUSE.

DOING NICE BUSINESS; will sell cheap to quick buyer. L-39S, Inquirer office. OYSTER-CHOP HOUSE. LOCATED IN WEST Philadelphia: good place for man and wife. Q-273.

Inquirer office. STooo CORNER PROPERTY. CIGAR AND apart't: near Strawberry Mans. 2522 X. 31st.

20-ROOM Apartment House: profits $60 clear ruon hi $4t 24 54 tie rmantow a venue. MOVING PICTURE THEATRE FOR RENT: JSOO. Crescent Film. 251 North 13th. FOR RfCNT.

meat market, complete fixtures. good Joe a tion. 1S24 W. Montgomery avenue. THREE-CHAIR BARBER SHOP F' iH reasonable, cheap rent.

1Q72 North Front. CO ER CIGAR STORE. FINE IvOCATION coed stock. Apply 901 Dauphin. $350 YST ER HOUSE.

9 Sacks weekly; ex- cellent location. Monahan, S62 E. Ontario. A MA RKET FOR SAIe! ELiTNG OX account of other business. 6233 Market.

only $250. DOING $150 weekly: rent $18; Monahan. 862 Ontario. 1 75 UIT AND $150 weekly. 129 PRODUCE North 11th BUSINESS; street.

RESTAURANT FOR SALE. WITH "ilWELL-ing; good place for live man. 92) Filbert. CIGAR STORE. 9 bargain.

BARBER SHOP Call all week. $250; doing $70 week: rent 2454 Germantown avenue. FOR SALE: VERY CHEAP. 1856 North Seventh. GROCERY' STORE CHEAP TO OUICK BUY- er.

S. W. corner Bonsall Clearneldst s. FOR A LI I CE BUTCHER SHOP. 2767 Kens ington ave.

Apply 2 149 S. 20t CANDY. ICE CREAM STORE. $450. clearing $100 month; snap.

2454 Germantewn ave. 25 REWARD FOR LOCATION' for pharmacy: state particulars. SUITABLE I-372. Inq. FIRST CLAS reasonable.

BUTCHER STORE, FOR sale; Inquirer 1811 South street. BARBER SHOP for sale reasonable; sickness. H-247. Inouirer Branch. 23d and Lehigh.

$1000. Restaurant: cheap at $20)O. receipts $375. $400 wkly; 2454 Germantown avenue. MEAT MARKET.

OLD ESTABLISHED. LIVE corner, cheap rent. Cedar and Adams. Kens. CIGAR AND CANDY STORE FOR SALE.

1216 North 29 th street. Business Opportunities Wanted EXPERIENCED BUSINESS MAN WILL IN-vest $10,000 to $25,000. with services, in some established paying business requiring ad-ditional capital for expansion. S-352. Inq.

off. WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM PARTIES wishing to sell skee ball alleys: state price. L-3 19. I ua uirer office. SALOON WANTED TO $3'Hf H-392.

Inauirer FIX-AXCE. office. WITH MEAT MARKET. A-l. WOULD LIKE TO en must be good.

S-338. Inq irer office. FU RNISH ED ROOM HOUSE, IF REASOX-abl4; state rent, price. C-341. Inquirer off.

LEGAL NOTICES ESTATE OF HUGO BACH. DECEASED. Letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, ell persons indebted to the said estate are reauested to make payment, and those having claims 'o Dresent the same without delay, to THE INTEGRITY" TITLE INSURANCE. TRUST SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY. Or to Malcolm G.

Campbell. Attorney. Southwest corner Fourth and Green streets. Philadelphia. Pa.

PROPOSALS SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR material to re-wire original wards, and trap rock to surface the roads bv the Trustees of the State Hospital for the lnsace. Norris-town. until 3 P. Wednesday. December 15.

1915. The Trustees reserve tbe rieht to accent or relect any anil bids in whole or in part. F'or lists of materials and further particulars address Oscar L. Schwartz, State Hospital. Norristown.


The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


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What is the main Philadelphia newspaper? ›

Home - About The Philadelphia Inquirer. For those with a stake in Philadelphia — people looking to thrive where they live, and those who want to keep their finger on the pulse of what makes Philly, Philly — The Philadelphia Inquirer is your essential source of information in the city and region.

How much is the Philadelphia daily newspaper? ›

The Philadelphia Daily News prices are: $2.95 Monday-Saturday, as of 4/1/2019.

How much is a Philadelphia inquirer subscription? ›

Sunday Only Delivery – $1.00/week for 12 weeks, then $5.49/week billed every 4 weeks; Sunday Only Delivery – $2/week for 26 or 52 weeks, then $5.49/week billed every 4 weeks; 7 Day Delivery – $2/week for 8 weeks, Then $6.99/week billed every 4 weeks; 7-Day Delivery $3/week for 26 or 52 weeks, then $6.99/week billed ...

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Is the Philadelphia Inquirer a conservative newspaper? ›

Under Knight Ridder, The Inquirer continued to insist that it remained editorially independent, but the newspaper faced criticism from conservatives, who labeled it left leaning.

Who owns Philly Inquirer? ›

The Philadelphia Inquirer, LLC (formerly Philadelphia Media Network (PMN)) is an American media company. It owns The Philadelphia Inquirer and Philadelphia Daily News. The company is owned by The Philadelphia Foundation, a nonprofit organization in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

What is the most widely circulated newspaper in Pennsylvania? ›

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Western Pennsylvania's largest newspaper and the region's most visited website.

What's the most expensive newspaper? ›

Most expensive newspaper copy-Romanian newspaper sets world record. BUCHAREST, Romania-- The "Auroch and the Eagle" ("Zimbrulu and Vulturulu"), bought for 830 000 Euros by Joseph Hackmey. sets the world record for the most expensive newspaper copy in the world.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Philadelphia Inquirer? ›

Placing an obituary in the Philadelphia Inquirer starts at $654.00.

What was Philadelphia first daily newspaper? ›

The Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser, began publishing daily editions on September 21, 1784. Having first been launched as The Pennsylvania Packet by John Dunlap in 1771, it became the first daily newspaper in the country.

Is the Philadelphia Inquirer free? ›

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What kind of newspaper is the Philadelphia Inquirer? ›

The Philadelphia Inquirer
TypeDaily newspaper
Owner(s)Philadelphia Media Network
Founder(s)John R. Walker and John Norvell
PublisherTerrance C.Z. Egger
10 more rows

Is Inquirer plus free? ›

The app is free to download and comes with a complimentary 14-issue preview. Inquirer Plus ($9.99/mo): gives one access to all the titles within the app.

How do I join the Free Library of Philadelphia? ›

You can apply in-person, online, or by mail for a library card. Adults applying in person should either bring a valid Pennsylvania State ID, or two forms of ID that have the same name and address. The full list of valid forms of ID, as well as what kids under 17 should bring, is available here.

Does the Free Library of Philadelphia have an app? ›

Thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga especially for teens. A Free Library of Philadelphia card and PIN is required for onsite and offsite use. Mobile app available: LibraryPass - use library card and PIN. Available To: All Free Library locations and online with your library card.

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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.