Search Results for Tierney, Gene (2024)

'; } else if('REDIRECT' === responseJson.action) { if (responseJson.isIFrameDisplay) { title = 'Checkout'; message = '

'; } else { title = 'Redirecting'; message = 'You will be redirected to your content, or you may click the button below.'; action = function () { safeWindowOpen(responseJson.url, '_blank'); }; message += '

'; } } else if (responseJson.message) { error = true; message = responseJson.message; } else if (responseJson.cause && responseJson.cause.message) { error = true; message = responseJson.cause.message; } else { error = true; message = 'There was an error accessing your title. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your library for assistance.'; } eRC_Dialogs.hideLoad(); eRC_Dialogs.openMessageDialog(function() { if(eRC_DownloadButton.reloadNeeded) { window.location.reload(); } }, resultId, {message:message, title:title}, responseJson && 'SYNC' === responseJson.action, responseJson.isIFrameDisplay); } if(!error && eRC_Dialogs.messageDialogTimeoutMS) { setTimeout(function() { eRC_Dialogs.closeMessageDialog(resultId); }, eRC_Dialogs.messageDialogTimeoutMS); } action(); }, //helper funcs addValidButton:function(resultId, ercItem) { if(!resultId) { return; } var hitlistOrDetail = 'detail'; if(resultId.match(/hitlist/)) { hitlistOrDetail = 'hitlist'; } var resultIndex = resultId.replace(hitlistOrDetail, ''); if($J('').length) { var actionResultId = 'result' + resultIndex; if(!ercItem) { ResultActions.updateResultAction('ERC_FULL', actionResultId, hitlistOrDetail, false); return; } if(ercItem.status && 'OK' === ercItem.status && ercItem.formats && ercItem.formats.length > 0) { var ercDownloadOrHoldActions = ResultActions.asyncResultActions['ERC_FULL']; if(!ercDownloadOrHoldActions) { ResultActions.asyncResultActions['ERC_FULL'] = {}; ercDownloadOrHoldActions = ResultActions.asyncResultActions['ERC_FULL']; } var buttonLabel; if(ercItem.availability && ercItem.availability.available) { if (ercItem.availability.downloadText) { buttonLabel = ercItem.availability.downloadText; } else { buttonLabel = 'Download'; } var params = {}; for(var i = 0; i < ercItem.formats.length; i++) { var auth = ercItem.formats[i].authentication; if(auth && (auth.patronId || (auth.accountsUrl && (auth.ereaderAccount || auth.partnerAccount)))) { params['needLogin'] = true; if(auth.patronPin) { params['needPin'] = true; } break; } } ercDownloadOrHoldActions[actionResultId] = {'action': eRC_DownloadButton.handleDownloadButtonClick, 'params': params}; } else if (ercItem.holdable) { buttonLabel = 'Place Hold'; ercDownloadOrHoldActions[actionResultId] = {'action': eRC_DownloadButton.handleHoldButtonClick}; } else { ResultActions.updateResultAction('ERC_FULL', actionResultId, hitlistOrDetail, false); return; } // Show the button. ResultActions.updateResultAction('ERC_FULL', actionResultId, hitlistOrDetail, true, buttonLabel); } else { ResultActions.updateResultAction('ERC_FULL', actionResultId, hitlistOrDetail, false); } } else if(!ercItem) { return; } else if(ercItem.status && 'OK' === ercItem.status && ercItem.formats && ercItem.formats.length > 0) { var buttonLabel = 'Place Hold'; var onClickText = 'javascript: '; if(ercItem.availability && ercItem.availability.available) { if (ercItem.availability.downloadText) { buttonLabel = ercItem.availability.downloadText; } else { buttonLabel = 'Download'; } onClickText += "$(this).focus();eRC_DownloadButton.handleDownloadButtonClick('" + resultIndex + "','" + hitlistOrDetail + "',"; var params = {}; for(var i = 0; i < ercItem.formats.length; i++) { var auth = ercItem.formats[i].authentication; if(auth && (auth.patronId || (auth.accountsUrl && (auth.ereaderAccount || auth.partnerAccount)))) { params['needLogin'] = true; if(auth.patronPin) { params['needPin'] = true; } break; } } onClickText += JSON.stringify(params) + ");"; } else if (ercItem.holdable) { onClickText += "$(this).focus();eRC_DownloadButton.handleHoldButtonClick('" + resultIndex + "','" + hitlistOrDetail + "');"; } if(onClickText.substr(12)) { // if there's no onClick text besides 'javascript: ', don't bother with a button eRC_DownloadButton.showButton(resultId, buttonLabel, onClickText); } } }, showButton:function(resultId, displayText, onClickText) { var matches = resultId.match(/^(detail|hitlist)(\d+)$/); if (matches) { var buttonId = resultId+eRC_DownloadButton.ercDownloadButtonClass; var button = document.getElementById(buttonId); if(!button) { button = document.createElement('button'); button.setAttribute('id', buttonId); button.setAttribute('class', eRC_DownloadButton.ercDownloadButtonClass+' button'); var parentJsId; if('detail' === matches[1]) { parentJsId = '#detailActions' + matches[0]; } else { parentJsId = '#results_cell' + matches[2] + ' .results_right'; } $J(parentJsId).append(button); } button.innerHTML = displayText; button.setAttribute('onClick',onClickText); $J(button).show(); } }, };}function prepShowAllLibs(junk) { setTimeout(function(){showAllLibraries()},220);} function showAllLibraries(junk){ $('moreLIBRARY').click('moreNagivators');/* $('fewerLinkLIBRARY').hide(); */ $('fewerLIBRARY').hide(); $('allLIBRARY').hide(); $('collapseLIBRARY').hide();}/*********************************************************************************//**** Copyright 2010-2023 SirsiDynix Written by Consulting Services ****//**** CTS-159 Updates for Enterprise 5.2.1 ****//*********************************************************************************/function modifyNewSearchIndex (rId) { var personalAuthor = 'LINCC_PERSONAL_AUTHOR_2'; // Reference the name of your custom Search Field for Personal Author between the quotes. var addedAuthor = 'LINCC_DSP_ADDED_AUTHOR_2'; // Reference the name of your custom Search Field for Added Author between the quotes. var series = 'SERIES_TITLE_LINCC'; // Reference the name of your custom Search Field for Series between the quotes. /**NOTE: ADDED_AUTHOR loop's hidden marc map/search field of DSP_ADDED_AUTHOR_NS has a subfield a suffixed with a '~#', which we split off of to isolate the subfield a content from the subfield t content. The presence of the subfield t allows the search field to produce multiple fields for cases where the multiple 700 tags are for the same author, but differ based on the subfield t***/ if (rId.indexOf('detail') !== -1) { var resultsId = rId.split("detail")[1]; var selector = '#detail_biblio'+resultsId; } else { var resultsId = rId.split("hitlist")[1]; var selector = '#results_bio'+resultsId; } jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.SUBJECT_TERM a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||SUBJECT|||Subject'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var newHREF = myHREF + searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.GEOGRAPHIC_TERM a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||SUBJECT|||Subject'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var newHREF = myHREF + searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.CORPORATE_SUBJECT a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||SUBJECT|||Subject'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var newHREF = myHREF + searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.CONFERENCE_SUBJECT a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||SUBJECT|||Subject'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var newHREF = myHREF + searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.GENRE_TERM a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||GENRE_TERM|||Genre'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var newHREF = myHREF + searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.PERSONAL_AUTHOR a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||AUTHOR|||Author'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var myHREFStart = myHREF.match(/^.*qu=/g); var myHREFEnd = myHREF.match(/&.*/g); var newHREF = jQuery('#'+rId+'_'+personalAuthor+' .'+personalAuthor+'_value').text(); newHREF = myHREFStart+newHREF+myHREFEnd+searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.CORPORATE_AUTHOR a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||AUTHOR|||Author'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var newHREF = myHREF + searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.CONFERENCE_AUTHOR a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||AUTHOR|||Author'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var newHREF = myHREF + searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.ADDED_AUTHOR a').each(function(i){ var authorCounter = ++i; var searchString = '&rt=false|||AUTHOR|||Author'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var myHREFStart = myHREF.match(/^.*qu=/g); var myHREFEnd = myHREF.match(/&.*/g); var newHREF = jQuery('#'+rId+'_'+addedAuthor+' .'+addedAuthor+'_value:nth-child('+authorCounter+')').text().split('~#')[0]; newHREF = myHREFStart+newHREF+myHREFEnd+searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.ADDED_CONFERENCE_AUTHOR a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||AUTHOR|||Author'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var newHREF = myHREF + searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.ADDED_CORPORATE_AUTHOR a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||AUTHOR|||Author'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var newHREF = myHREF + searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.SERIES a').each(function(j){ var seriesCounter = ++j; var searchString = '&rt=false|||SERIES|||Series'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var myHREFStart = myHREF.match(/^.*qu=/g); var myHREFEnd = myHREF.match(/&.*/g); var newHREF = jQuery('#'+rId+'_'+series+' .'+series+'_value:nth-child('+seriesCounter+')').text(); newHREF = myHREFStart[0]+newHREF+myHREFEnd[0]+searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); } // End function// Important: Modifications to this file may be overwritten during an upgrade.// If you want to customize this widget and have those modifications persist through upgrades,// make a copy of this widget and make modifications to the copied widget.// You can then assign the copied widget to the detail or search result displays you want.if('undefined' === typeof eRC_Dialogs) { eRC_Dialogs = { //variables shownFormatCount:4, // edit this value to adjust when the format dialog expands holdNeedsEmail: false, dialogButtonClass:'ercDialogButton', primaryButtonClass:'ercPrimaryButton', secondaryButtonClass:'ercSecondaryButton', formatDialogClass:'ercFormatDialog', holdDialogClass:'ercHoldDialog', previewDialogClass:'ercPreviewDialog', durationId:'ercCurrentDays', formatDivId:'ercFormatDiv', holdDivId:'ercHoldDiv', formatDivClass:'ercFormatDiv', holdDivClass:'ercHoldDiv', formatRadioId:'ercFormatRadioDiv', radioName:'ercRadioGroup', radioClass:'ercRadio', msgDialogId:'ercMessageDialog', messageClass:'ercMessage', accountDialogClass:'ercAccountsDialog', accountErrorDiv:'ercAcctErrorDiv', accountFormClass:'ercAccountsForm', accountDivClass:'ercAccountDiv', accountLabelClass:'ercAccountLabel', accountSelectClass:'ercAccountSelect', accountInputClass:'ercAccountInput', //functions makeId:function(baseId, resultId) { return baseId + '_' + resultId; }, makeError:function(message) { return {status:'error', error:message}; }, showLoad:function() { var div = $J('body > .loadingDiv'); if(div.length < 1) { div = $J('

').addClass('loadingDiv'); $J('body').append(div); } var backdrop = $J('body > .loadingBackdrop'); if(backdrop.length < 1) { backdrop = $J('

').addClass('loadingBackdrop'); $J('body').append(backdrop); };; createSpinnersForSelector(div); }, hideLoad:function() { $J('.loadingBackdrop').hide(); $J('.loadingDiv').hide(); stopSpinnersForSelector($J('.loadingDiv')); }, expandRadioLabel:function(id, classes) { $J('#icon_' + id).toggleClass(classes); let description = document.getElementById("ercDescription_" + id); if( { = null; } else { = description.scrollHeight + "px"; } }, //format dialog functions findFormatDialog:function(callback, resultId, ercItem, isPreview) { if(!ercItem) { eRC_Dialogs.openErrorMessageDialog(callback, eRC_Dialogs.makeError('Error! Missing or malformed eResource Central item data')); return; } var formats = isPreview ? ercItem.previews : ercItem.formats; if(!formats || formats.length < 1) { eRC_Dialogs.openErrorMessageDialog(callback, eRC_Dialogs.makeError('Error! Missing or malformed eResource Central format data')); return; } if(formats.length === 1 || !ercItem.formatsUnique) { // Just one format to select, make it happen! eRC_Dialogs.hideLoad(); callback(formats[0], ercItem.drm, true); return; } var dialogId = eRC_Dialogs.makeId(isPreview ? eRC_Dialogs.previewDialogClass : eRC_Dialogs.formatDialogClass, resultId); var formatDialog = document.getElementById(dialogId); if(!formatDialog) { // We didn't find one, build it. eRC_Dialogs.showLoad(); formatDialog = eRC_Dialogs.buildFormatDialog(dialogId, ercItem, resultId, isPreview, callback); } formatDialog.setAttribute('value',''); // Ensure an empty value until one is selected. eRC_Dialogs.hideLoad(); $J(formatDialog).dialog('open'); }, buildFormatDialog:function(dialogId, ercItem, resultId, isPreview, callback) { if(!ercItem) { eRC_Dialogs.openErrorMessageDialog(callback, eRC_Dialogs.makeError('Error! Missing or malformed eResource Central item data')); return; } var formats = isPreview ? ercItem.previews : ercItem.formats; var formatDiv = eRC_Dialogs.buildFormatDiv(dialogId, formats, resultId, isPreview); var dialog = document.createElement('div'); dialog.setAttribute('id', dialogId); dialog.setAttribute('class', (isPreview ? eRC_Dialogs.previewDialogClass : eRC_Dialogs.formatDialogClass)+' ercDialog'); var form = document.createElement('form'); form.on('submit', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); closeModal($J('#' + dialogId), true); eRC_Dialogs.getFormat(callback, eRC_Dialogs.getRadioFormat(dialogId)); }); form.appendChild(formatDiv); if(formats.length > eRC_Dialogs.shownFormatCount) { form.appendChild(eRC_Dialogs.buildExpanderHandle(dialogId)); } dialog.appendChild(form); var dlgButtonDiv = document.createElement('div'); dlgButtonDiv.setAttribute('class', 'ercDialogButtonsDiv buttonSection'); var buttonValue = isPreview ? 'Preview' : (ercItem.drm ? 'Check Out' : 'Download'); dlgButtonDiv.appendChild(eRC_Dialogs.buildPrimaryButton('submit', buttonValue, dialogId + '_okButton')); dlgButtonDiv.appendChild(eRC_Dialogs.buildCancelButton(dialogId)); form.appendChild(dlgButtonDiv); document.body.appendChild(dialog); var title = isPreview ? 'Preview Options' : (ercItem.drm ? 'Checkout Options' : 'Download Options'); openModal($J(dialog), title, { autoOpen: false, resizable: false, appendTo: null, allowAutofocus: true, keepAlive: true, close: function() { if(eRC_DownloadButton.reloadNeeded) { window.location.reload(); }} }, true); return dialog; }, buildFormatDiv:function(dialogId, formats, resultId, isPreview) { var formatDivId = eRC_Dialogs.makeId(dialogId, eRC_Dialogs.formatDivId); var formatDiv = document.createElement('div'); formatDiv.setAttribute('id', formatDivId); formatDiv.setAttribute('class', 'fieldSection ercFieldSection'); for(var i = 0; i < formats.length; i++) { var radioValue = (isPreview ? 'prev:' : 'down:') + resultId + ':' + formats[i].key; var isDisabled = formats[i].totalCopies && !formats[i].availableCopies; if (i > 0) { var hRule = document.createElement('hr'); var hrClass = 'ercFormatSep'; if (i >= eRC_Dialogs.shownFormatCount) { hrClass += ' hidden'; } hRule.setAttribute('class', hrClass); formatDiv.appendChild(hRule); } formatDiv.appendChild(eRC_Dialogs.buildRadioButton(dialogId, radioValue, formats[i].name, isDisabled, i)); } return formatDiv; }, //hold dialog functions findHoldDialog:function(callback, resultId, ercItem, responseJson) { if(!ercItem) { eRC_Dialogs.openErrorMessageDialog(callback, eRC_Dialogs.makeError('Error! Missing or malformed eResource Central item data')); return; } var dialogId = eRC_Dialogs.makeId(eRC_Dialogs.holdDialogClass, resultId); var holdDialog = document.getElementById(dialogId); if(!holdDialog) { // We didn't find one, build it. eRC_Dialogs.showLoad(); holdDialog = eRC_Dialogs.buildHoldDialog(dialogId, ercItem, resultId, responseJson); } $J(holdDialog).find('.emailError').remove(); holdDialog.setAttribute('value',''); // Ensure an empty value until one is selected. $J(holdDialog).unbind('dialogclose').bind('dialogclose', function(event) { callback($J(holdDialog).val(), $J(holdDialog).find('input[id$=_autoCheckoutInput]').is(':checked')); }); eRC_Dialogs.hideLoad(); $J(holdDialog).dialog('open'); }, //responseJson could be the accounts call from erc or the email response, it's a bit overloaded buildHoldDialog:function(dialogId, ercItem, resultId, responseJson) { var dialog = document.createElement('div'); dialog.setAttribute('value',''); // Ensure an empty value until one is selected. dialog.setAttribute('id', dialogId); dialog.setAttribute('class', (eRC_Dialogs.holdDialogClass)+' ercDialog'); var holdDiv; if (com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile) { eRC_Dialogs.addMobileHoldDiv(dialog, dialogId, ercItem, resultId, responseJson); } else { holdDiv = eRC_Dialogs.buildHoldDiv(dialogId, ercItem, resultId, responseJson); dialog.appendChild(holdDiv); } var makeableAccounts = []; if(responseJson.accountType) { for(var i = 0; i < responseJson.accountType.length; i++) { // JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) appears to be the fastest way to DEEP-copy an object // (see: var account = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(responseJson.accountType[i])); if(account.externalAccountUrl) { makeableAccounts.push(account); } } } var buttonHolder = document.createElement('div'); buttonHolder.setAttribute('class', 'ercDialogButtonsDiv buttonSection'); var buttonOnClick = 'javascript:$J(\'#' + dialogId + '\').val(eRC_Dialogs.getEmailHold(\'' + dialogId + '\',\'' + + '\')); if ($J(\'#' + dialogId + '\').val()) { closeModal($J(\'#' + dialogId + '\')); }'; buttonHolder.appendChild(eRC_Dialogs.buildPrimaryButton('button', 'Place Hold', dialogId + '_okButton', buttonOnClick)); dialog.appendChild(buttonHolder); if (com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile) { buttonHolder.appendChild(eRC_Dialogs.buildCancelButton(dialogId)); var accountHolder = document.createElement('div') accountHolder.setAttribute('class', 'linkSection'); eRC_Dialogs.addAccountButtons(makeableAccounts, accountHolder, dialogId); dialog.appendChild(accountHolder); } else { eRC_Dialogs.addAccountButtons(makeableAccounts, buttonHolder, dialogId); buttonHolder.appendChild(eRC_Dialogs.buildCancelButton(dialogId)); } document.body.appendChild(dialog); openModal($J(dialog), 'Hold Options', {autoOpen: false, width: 'auto', resizable: false, appendTo: null, allowAutofocus: true, keepAlive: true}, true); return dialog; }, buildHoldDiv:function(dialogId, ercItem, resultId, responseJson) { var holdDivId = eRC_Dialogs.makeId(dialogId, eRC_Dialogs.holdDivId); var holdDiv = document.createElement('div'); holdDiv.setAttribute('id', holdDivId); var title = $J('#'+resultId+'_TITLE > .TITLE_value:first').text(); var format = $J('#'+resultId+'_FORMAT > .FORMAT_value').text(); var tbl = document.createElement('table'); tbl.setAttribute('id','holdTable'); tbl.setAttribute('class','holdsTable'); var thead = document.createElement('thead'); var tr = document.createElement('tr'); var th = document.createElement('th'); th.setAttribute('class','titleColumn'); var titleLabel = document.createTextNode('Title'); th.appendChild(titleLabel); tr.appendChild(th); th = document.createElement('th'); var formatLabel = document.createTextNode('Format'); th.appendChild(formatLabel); tr.appendChild(th); if (eRC_Dialogs.holdNeedsEmail) { th = document.createElement('th'); var emailLabel = document.createTextNode('Email Address'); th.appendChild(emailLabel); tr.appendChild(th); } if(ercItem['autoCheckoutSupported']) { th = document.createElement('th'); var autoCheckoutColumnLabel = document.createTextNode('Automatic Checkout'); th.appendChild(autoCheckoutColumnLabel); tr.appendChild(th); } thead.appendChild(tr); var tbody = document.createElement('tbody'); var tr1 = document.createElement('tr'); tr1.setAttribute('height','40'); tr1.setAttribute('valign','top'); var td = document.createElement('td'); td.setAttribute('class','titleCell'); var titleText = document.createTextNode(title); td.appendChild(titleText); tr1.appendChild(td); td = document.createElement('td'); td.setAttribute('class','formatCell'); var formatText = document.createTextNode(format); td.appendChild(formatText); tr1.appendChild(td); if (eRC_Dialogs.holdNeedsEmail) { td = document.createElement('td'); td.setAttribute('class','emailCell'); var emailInput = document.createElement("input"); emailInput.setAttribute('type','text'); emailInput.setAttribute('name','emailInput'); emailInput.setAttribute('class',dialogId+'_emailInput'); emailInput.setAttribute('size',30); if( { emailInput.setAttribute('value',; } td.appendChild(emailInput); tr1.appendChild(td); } if(ercItem['autoCheckoutSupported']) { td = document.createElement('td'); td.setAttribute('class','autoCheckoutCell'); var autoCheckoutDiv = document.createElement('div'); var autoCheckoutInput = document.createElement("input"); autoCheckoutInput.setAttribute('type','checkbox'); autoCheckoutInput.setAttribute('name','autoCheckoutInput'); autoCheckoutInput.setAttribute('class',dialogId+'_autoCheckoutInput'); autoCheckoutInput.setAttribute('id',holdDivId+'_autoCheckoutInput'); autoCheckoutInput.setAttribute('size',30); autoCheckoutDiv.appendChild(autoCheckoutInput); var autoCheckoutLabel = document.createElement("label"); autoCheckoutLabel.setAttribute('for', holdDivId+'_autoCheckoutInput'); autoCheckoutLabel.setAttribute('class', 'cbLabel'); autoCheckoutLabel.innerText = "Automatically check out item when available"; autoCheckoutDiv.appendChild(autoCheckoutLabel); td.appendChild(autoCheckoutDiv); tr1.appendChild(td); } tbody.appendChild(tr1); tbl.appendChild(thead); tbl.appendChild(tbody); holdDiv.appendChild(tbl); return holdDiv; }, addMobileHoldDiv:function(dialog, dialogId, ercItem, resultId, responseJson) { var holdDivId = eRC_Dialogs.makeId(dialogId, eRC_Dialogs.holdDivId); var holdDiv = document.createElement('div'); holdDiv.setAttribute('id', holdDivId); holdDiv.setAttribute('class', 'holdsDiv'); var fieldList = document.createElement('div'); fieldList.setAttribute('class', 'fieldSection fieldList'); var title = $J('#'+resultId+'_TITLE > .TITLE_value:first').text(); var format = $J('#'+resultId+'_FORMAT > .FORMAT_value').text(); var titleFieldSection = document.createElement('div'); titleFieldSection.setAttribute('class','field'); var titleLabelDiv = document.createElement('div'); titleLabelDiv.setAttribute('class','label text-h5'); var titleLabel = document.createTextNode('Title'); titleLabelDiv.appendChild(titleLabel); titleFieldSection.appendChild(titleLabelDiv); var titleDiv = document.createElement('div'); titleDiv.setAttribute('class','fieldValue text-p'); var titleValue = document.createTextNode(title); titleDiv.appendChild(titleValue); titleFieldSection.appendChild(titleDiv); var formatFieldSection = document.createElement('div'); formatFieldSection.setAttribute('class','field'); var formatLabelDiv = document.createElement('div'); formatLabelDiv.setAttribute('class','label text-h5'); var formatLabel = document.createTextNode('Format'); formatLabelDiv.appendChild(formatLabel); formatFieldSection.appendChild(formatLabelDiv); var formatField = document.createElement('div'); formatField.setAttribute('class','fieldValue text-p'); var formatValue = document.createTextNode(format); formatField.appendChild(formatValue); formatFieldSection.appendChild(formatField); if (eRC_Dialogs.holdNeedsEmail) { var emailFieldSection = document.createElement('div'); emailFieldSection.setAttribute('class','fieldSection'); emailFieldSection.appendChild(eRC_Dialogs.buildLabel('Email Address', '')); var emailInput = document.createElement("input"); if( { emailInput.setAttribute('value',; } emailInput.setAttribute('class', dialogId + '_emailInput fullwidth textbox'); emailFieldSection.appendChild(emailInput); } if(ercItem['autoCheckoutSupported']) { var autoCheckoutFieldSection = document.createElement('div'); autoCheckoutFieldSection.setAttribute('class','table fieldSection fullwidth'); var autoCheckoutDiv = document.createElement('div'); autoCheckoutDiv.setAttribute('class','checkbox-align'); var autoCheckoutInput = document.createElement("input"); autoCheckoutInput.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox'); autoCheckoutInput.setAttribute('name', 'autoCheckoutInput'); autoCheckoutInput.setAttribute('class', dialogId + '_autoCheckoutInput checkbox'); autoCheckoutInput.setAttribute('id', holdDivId + '_autoCheckoutInput'); var autoCheckoutLabel = document.createElement("label"); autoCheckoutLabel.setAttribute('for', holdDivId + '_autoCheckoutInput'); autoCheckoutLabel.setAttribute('class', 'label text-p checkbox-align'); autoCheckoutLabel.innerText = "Automatically check out item when available"; autoCheckoutDiv.appendChild(autoCheckoutInput); autoCheckoutFieldSection.appendChild(autoCheckoutDiv); autoCheckoutFieldSection.appendChild(autoCheckoutLabel); } fieldList.appendChild(titleFieldSection); fieldList.appendChild(formatFieldSection); holdDiv.appendChild(fieldList); dialog.appendChild(holdDiv); if (emailFieldSection) { dialog.appendChild(emailFieldSection); } if (autoCheckoutFieldSection) { dialog.appendChild(autoCheckoutFieldSection); } }, getEmailHold:function(dialogId,id) { if (!eRC_Dialogs.holdNeedsEmail) { return "@"; // This isn't a valid email address but that's okay, because we won't really use it } var dialog = $J('#' + dialogId); var emailField = dialog.find('.' + dialogId + '_emailInput'); var email = emailField.val().trim(); var regex = /^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$/; if (regex.test(email) === true) { if (com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile) { dialog.find('.errorSection').remove(); } return email; } else { if (dialog.find('.emailError').length === 0) { if (com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile) { $J('#'+eRC_Dialogs.makeId(dialogId, eRC_Dialogs.holdDivId)).before(buildErrorDisplay(['Email addresses must match the pattern user@domain.extension'],'emailError')); } else { var span = document.createElement("span"); span.setAttribute('class','emailError'); $J('#'+eRC_Dialogs.makeId(dialogId, eRC_Dialogs.holdDivId)).before(span); $J('.emailError').text('Email addresses must match the pattern user@domain.extension'); } } return ""; } }, buildExpanderHandle:function(dialogId) { var expanderId = dialogId+'_expander'; var more = document.createElement('div'); more.setAttribute('id', expanderId); more.setAttribute('class', 'ercFormatExpander fieldSection'); more.setAttribute('onclick', '$J(\'#' + eRC_Dialogs.makeId(dialogId, eRC_Dialogs.formatDivClass) + ' .hidden\').each(function() { $J(this).removeClass("hidden"); }); $J(\'#' + expanderId + '\').hide();'); more.innerHTML = ''; return more; }, getRadioFormat:function(dialogId) { var key; $J('#'+dialogId+' .'+eRC_Dialogs.radioClass).each(function() { if(this.checked) { key = $J(this).val(); } }); return key; }, getFormat:function(callback, key) { var type = key.substring(0, key.indexOf(':')); key = key.substring(key.indexOf(':')+1); var resultId = key.substring(0, key.indexOf(':')); var formatKey = key.substring(key.indexOf(':')+1); eRC_Base.getTitleData(function(ercItem) { if(ercItem) { var formats = (type == 'prev') ? ercItem.previews : ercItem.formats; for(var i = 0; i < formats.length; i++) { if(formats[i].key == formatKey) { callback(formats[i], ercItem.drm); return; } } } callback(); }, resultId); }, //accounts dialog functions getSpecificAccountInputsClass:function(baseId) { return eRC_Dialogs.accountInputClass + baseId; }, findAccountsDialog:function(callback, resultId, format, responseJson, duration) { if(responseJson && responseJson.error) { eRC_Dialogs.openErrorMessageDialog(callback, responseJson); return; } if(!(responseJson && responseJson.accountType && responseJson.accountType.length > 0)) { eRC_Dialogs.openErrorMessageDialog(callback, eRC_Dialogs.makeError('Error! Missing or malformed response for eResource Central getAccounts call')); return; } var baseId = format.key+resultId; var dialogId = eRC_Dialogs.accountDialogClass + baseId; var accountDialog = document.getElementById(dialogId); if(!accountDialog) { // We didn't find one, build it. eRC_Dialogs.showLoad(); accountDialog = eRC_Dialogs.buildAccountDialog(baseId, dialogId, format, responseJson, duration); } if (!com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile) { for (var i = 0; i < responseJson.accountType.length; i++) { eRC_Dialogs.fillAccountSelectionOptions(baseId, responseJson.accountType[i]); } } // Clear this value (it will be set upon form validation). accountDialog.removeAttribute('value'); $J('.'+eRC_Dialogs.accountErrorDiv).hide(); eRC_Dialogs.hideLoad(); var dialogOptions = { autoOpen: true, resizable: false, appendTo: null, close: function(event) { callback(accountDialog.getAttribute('value')); }, keepAlive: true, allowAutofocus: true } openModal($J(accountDialog), 'Checkout', dialogOptions, true); }, // you can get to this dialog by downloading RBdigital (Record a books, which is part of one click digital) buildAccountDialog:function(baseId, dialogId, format, responseJson, duration) { var errorDiv = document.createElement('div'); errorDiv.setAttribute('id', eRC_Dialogs.accountErrorDiv + baseId); errorDiv.setAttribute('class', eRC_Dialogs.accountErrorDiv); errorDiv.setAttribute('style', 'display: none;'); errorDiv.innerHTML = 'Error! The following fields are either missing or invalid.'; var formId = eRC_Dialogs.accountFormClass + baseId; var form = document.createElement('form'); form.setAttribute('id', formId); form.setAttribute('class', eRC_Dialogs.accountFormClass); form.setAttribute('onsubmit', 'javascript: eRC_Dialogs.handleAccountFormSubmit(\'' + baseId + '\', \'' + format.url + '\'); return false;'); var makeableAccounts = []; for(var i = 0; i < responseJson.accountType.length; i++) { // JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) appears to be the fastest way to DEEP-copy an object // (see: var account = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(responseJson.accountType[i])); if(format.authentication.ereaderAccount === account.key) { account.type = 'ereaderAccount'; } if(format.authentication.partnerAccount === account.key) { account.type = 'partnerAccount'; } if(!account.type) { return null; } if(account.externalAccountUrl) { makeableAccounts.push(account); } var accountDiv = eRC_Dialogs.buildAccountDiv(baseId, account); if(accountDiv) { form.appendChild(accountDiv); } } var slider = eRC_Dialogs.buildDurationSelector(baseId, duration); if(slider) { form.appendChild(slider); } var buttonHolder = document.createElement('div'); buttonHolder.setAttribute('class', 'ercDialogButtonsDiv buttonSection'); buttonHolder.appendChild(eRC_Dialogs.buildPrimaryButton('submit', 'Check Out')); form.appendChild(buttonHolder); if (com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile) { buttonHolder.appendChild(eRC_Dialogs.buildCancelButton(dialogId)); var accountHolder = document.createElement('div') accountHolder.setAttribute('class', 'linkSection'); eRC_Dialogs.addAccountButtons(makeableAccounts, accountHolder, dialogId); form.appendChild(accountHolder); } else { eRC_Dialogs.addAccountButtons(makeableAccounts, buttonHolder, dialogId); } var accountDialog = document.createElement('div'); accountDialog.setAttribute('id', dialogId); accountDialog.setAttribute('class', eRC_Dialogs.accountDialogClass+' ercDialog'); accountDialog.appendChild(errorDiv); accountDialog.appendChild(form); document.body.appendChild(accountDialog); if (!com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile) { // UI/UX recommended having a default for the selector, so leaving this for nonmobile $J('#' + formId + ' select').each(function () { this.selectedIndex = -1 }); } $J('#' + eRC_Dialogs.accountErrorDiv + baseId).hide(); return accountDialog; }, buildAccountDiv:function(baseId, account) { if(!(account && account.key)) { return null; } // we're going to be using this, set it up com_sirsi_ent_strings.setStringFormatFunc_JavaStyle(); var accountId = eRC_Dialogs.makeId(baseId, account.key); var accountDiv = document.createElement('div'); accountDiv.setAttribute('id', eRC_Dialogs.accountDivClass+accountId); accountDiv.setAttribute('class', eRC_Dialogs.accountDivClass + ' fieldSection'); var heading = document.createElement('h3'); heading.setAttribute('class', 'ercAcctDialogHeading headerField'); heading.innerHTML = String.format('Enter %s Account',; accountDiv.appendChild(heading); var inputId = eRC_Dialogs.accountInputClass + accountId; var comboDiv = document.createElement('div'); var comboInput = document.createElement('input'); comboInput.setAttribute('id', inputId); comboInput.setAttribute('type', 'text'); comboInput.setAttribute('name', account.type); comboInput.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); if (com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile) { comboDiv.setAttribute('class', 'fieldSection'); var labelText = 'Username:'; if (labelText.indexOf(':') > 0) { labelText = labelText.substr(0, labelText.indexOf(':')) } comboDiv.appendChild(eRC_Dialogs.buildLabel(labelText, inputId)); comboInput.setAttribute('class', 'ercAccountSelectInput textbox fullwidth'); } else { accountDiv.appendChild(eRC_Dialogs.buildLabel('Username:', inputId)); comboInput.setAttribute('class', 'ercAccountSelectInput ' + eRC_Dialogs.getSpecificAccountInputsClass(baseId)); var selectId = eRC_Dialogs.accountSelectClass + accountId; var comboSelect = document.createElement('select'); comboSelect.setAttribute('id', selectId); comboSelect.setAttribute('tabindex', -1); comboSelect.setAttribute('class', eRC_Dialogs.accountSelectClass); comboSelect.setAttribute('onchange', 'javascript:document.getElementById(\'' + inputId + '\').value=document.getElementById(\'' + selectId + '\').value;'); $J(comboInput).keyup(function(e){ if(e && e.keyCode == 40) { $J(comboSelect).focus().click(); } comboSelect.selectedIndex = -1; }); comboDiv.appendChild(comboSelect); } comboDiv.appendChild(comboInput); accountDiv.appendChild(comboDiv); // provide a required password field, but only if actually required if (true === account.passwordRequired) { var passwordFieldId = 'ercAccountPasswordField' + accountId; var fieldHolder; var inputClass; if (com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile) { fieldHolder = document.createElement('div'); fieldHolder.setAttribute('class', 'fieldSection'); accountDiv.appendChild(fieldHolder); } else { fieldHolder = accountDiv; } fieldHolder.appendChild(eRC_Dialogs.buildLabel('Password:', passwordFieldId)); var passwordField = document.createElement('input'); passwordField.setAttribute('type', 'password'); passwordField.setAttribute('id', passwordFieldId); passwordField.setAttribute('class', eRC_Dialogs.accountInputClass + ' textbox fullwidth ' + eRC_Dialogs.getSpecificAccountInputsClass(baseId)); passwordField.setAttribute('name', account.type + 'Pw'); fieldHolder.appendChild(passwordField); } // we're done using this, revert com_sirsi_ent_strings.resetString_dot_format(); return accountDiv; }, buildDurationSelector:function(baseId, duration) { if(!(duration && duration.maxCheckout)) { return null; } var defaultDays = duration.defaultCheckout ? duration.defaultCheckout : duration.maxCheckout; var durationId = eRC_Dialogs.makeId(eRC_Dialogs.durationId, baseId); var label = document.createElement('div'); var checkoutClass = 'ercCheckoutDiv'; if (com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile) { checkoutClass += ' fieldSection'; if(duration.maxCheckout === duration.minCheckout) { label.setAttribute('class', 'label text-h5'); checkoutClass += ' field'; } else { label.setAttribute('class', 'label text-p'); } var labelText = 'Checkout duration:'; if (labelText.indexOf(':') > 0) { labelText = labelText.substr(0, labelText.indexOf(':')) } labelText += ' (day(s))'; label.innerHTML = labelText; } else { label.setAttribute('class', 'ercCheckoutLabel'); label.innerHTML = 'Checkout duration:'; } var checkout = document.createElement('div'); checkout.setAttribute('id', 'ercCheckout_' + baseId); checkout.setAttribute('class', checkoutClass); checkout.appendChild(label); var currentDays = document.createElement('span'); currentDays.setAttribute('id', durationId); currentDays.innerHTML = defaultDays; var selection = document.createElement('div'); if (com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile) { selection.setAttribute('class', 'fieldValue text-p'); } else { selection.setAttribute('class', 'ercCheckoutSelection'); } selection.innerHTML = ' day(s)'; selection.insertBefore(currentDays, selection.childNodes[0]); if(duration.maxCheckout === duration.minCheckout) { checkout.appendChild(selection); } else { if (com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile) { // non mobile slider is not mobile friendly, make a dropdown var min = duration.minCheckout ? duration.minCheckout : 1; var selectorId = 'ercSelector_' + baseId; var selector = document.createElement('select'); selector.setAttribute('id', selectorId); selector.setAttribute('blankOption', 'NEVER'); selector.setAttribute('class', 'checkoutTimeSelector dropDown fullwidth'); for (var i = duration.minCheckout; i <= duration.maxCheckout; i++) { var option = document.createElement('option'); option.setAttribute('value', i); if (i == duration.minCheckout) { option.setAttribute('selected', 'true'); option.selected } option.innerHTML = i; selector.appendChild(option); } selector.setAttribute('value', duration.minCheckout); checkout.appendChild(selector); var iArrow = document.createElement('i'); iArrow.setAttribute('class', 'fa fa-caret-down select-arrow'); iArrow.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); checkout.appendChild(iArrow); } else { // original non mobile slider var min = duration.minCheckout ? duration.minCheckout : 1; var minSpan = document.createElement('span'); minSpan.setAttribute('class', 'ercMinDays'); minSpan.innerHTML = min; var maxSpan = document.createElement('span'); maxSpan.setAttribute('class', 'ercMaxDays'); maxSpan.innerHTML = duration.maxCheckout; var selectorId = 'ercSelector_' + baseId; var selector = document.createElement('div'); selector.setAttribute('id', selectorId); selector.setAttribute('class', 'checkoutTimeSelector'); var slider = document.createElement('div'); slider.setAttribute('class', 'ercCheckoutSlider'); slider.appendChild(minSpan); slider.appendChild(maxSpan); slider.appendChild(selector); slider.appendChild(selection); checkout.appendChild(slider); $J(selector).slider({ min:min, max:duration.maxCheckout, value:defaultDays, slide: function( event, ui ) { document.getElementById(durationId).innerHTML = ui.value; } }); } } return checkout; }, buildPrimaryButton: function(inputType, buttonLabel, buttonId, buttonClick) { var primaryButton = document.createElement('input'); primaryButton.setAttribute('type', inputType); primaryButton.setAttribute('value', buttonLabel); if (com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile) { primaryButton.setAttribute('class', 'button fullwidth'); } else { primaryButton.setAttribute('class', eRC_Dialogs.primaryButtonClass + ' ' + eRC_Dialogs.dialogButtonClass); } if(buttonId) { primaryButton.setAttribute('id', buttonId); } if(buttonClick) { primaryButton.setAttribute('onclick', buttonClick); } return primaryButton; }, buildCancelButton: function(dialogId) { var cancelButton = document.createElement('input'); cancelButton.setAttribute('type', 'button'); cancelButton.setAttribute('id', dialogId + '_cancelButton'); cancelButton.setAttribute('onclick', 'javascript:closeModal($J(\'#' + dialogId + '\'));$J(".errorSection").remove();'); cancelButton.setAttribute('value', 'Cancel'); if (com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile) { cancelButton.setAttribute('class', 'button fullwidth cancel'); } else { cancelButton.setAttribute('class', eRC_Dialogs.secondaryButtonClass + ' ' + eRC_Dialogs.dialogButtonClass); } return cancelButton; }, buildLabel: function(labelText, labelFor) { var labelElement = document.createElement('label'); labelElement.innerHTML = labelText; if(labelFor) { labelElement.setAttribute('for', labelFor); } if (com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile) { var labelHolder = document.createElement('div'); labelHolder.setAttribute('class', 'label text-p'); labelHolder.appendChild(labelElement); return labelHolder; } else { labelElement.setAttribute('class', eRC_Dialogs.accountLabelClass); return labelElement; } }, buildRadioButton: function(dialogId, radioValue, formatNameText, isDisabled, radioIndex) { let radioId = eRC_Dialogs.makeId(eRC_Dialogs.radioClass, eRC_Dialogs.makeId(dialogId, radioIndex)); let radio = document.createElement('input'); radio.setAttribute('type', 'radio'); radio.setAttribute('name', eRC_Dialogs.makeId(eRC_Dialogs.radioName, dialogId)); radio.setAttribute('id', radioId); radio.setAttribute('class', eRC_Dialogs.radioClass + ' v-middle radio'); radio.setAttribute('value', radioValue); if(radioIndex === 0) { radio.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); } if(isDisabled) { radio.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } let label = document.createElement('label'); label.setAttribute('for', radioId); let formatDiv = document.createElement('div'); formatDiv.setAttribute("class", "ercCollapsible"); //get format details let formatDetails = eRC_Base.getFormatDetails(formatNameText); if(formatDetails) { radio.className += ' formatDescription'; //used to distinguish from hold modal let idBase = eRC_Dialogs.makeId(dialogId, radioIndex); let icon = document.createElement('i'); let accessibleVia = document.createElement('div'); let description = document.createElement('p'); icon.setAttribute("class", com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile ? "fa fa-angle-down fa-2x" : "fa fa-caret-right"); label.setAttribute("onclick", "eRC_Dialogs.expandRadioLabel('" + idBase + "'," + ( com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile ? "'fa-angle-up fa-angle-down'" : "'fa-caret-right fa-caret-down'") + ")"); radio.addEventListener("keydown", event => { if(event.key === ' ' || event.code === 'Space') { eRC_Dialogs.expandRadioLabel(idBase, com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile ? 'fa-angle-up fa-angle-down' : 'fa-caret-right fa-caret-down') } }); if(com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile) { description.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); } description.append(eRC_Base.createAnchorTextLinks(formatDetails.description, formatDetails.descriptionParams)); icon.setAttribute("id", "icon_" + idBase); icon.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); formatDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(formatDetails.type + " (" + formatNameText + ")")); accessibleVia.append(eRC_Base.createAnchorTextLinks(formatDetails.accessibleVia, formatDetails.accessibleViaParams)); accessibleVia.setAttribute("class", "ercAccessibleVia"); description.setAttribute("class", "ercDescriptionContent"); description.setAttribute("id", "ercDescription_" + idBase); label.appendChild(icon); label.appendChild(formatDiv); label.appendChild(accessibleVia); label.appendChild(description); } else { formatDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(formatNameText)); label.appendChild(formatDiv); } let radioRowClass = eRC_Dialogs.formatDivClass + ' ' + eRC_Dialogs.makeId(dialogId, eRC_Dialogs.formatDivClass); if(radioIndex >= eRC_Dialogs.shownFormatCount) { radioRowClass += ' hidden'; } let radioHolder; if (com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile) { label.setAttribute('class', 'text-p label checkbox-align'); radioRowClass += ' radioRow table fullwidth'; radioHolder = document.createElement('div'); radioHolder.setAttribute('class', 'checkbox-align ' + (formatDetails ? ' formatDescription' : '')); radioHolder.appendChild(radio); } else { let labelClass = 'ercRadioLabel'; if(isDisabled) { labelClass += ' disabledLabel'; } label.setAttribute('class', labelClass); radioHolder = radio; } var radioRow = document.createElement('div'); radioRow.setAttribute('id', eRC_Dialogs.makeId(eRC_Dialogs.formatRadioId, eRC_Dialogs.makeId(dialogId, radioIndex))); radioRow.setAttribute('class', radioRowClass); radioRow.appendChild(radioHolder); radioRow.appendChild(label); return radioRow; }, //this function builds buttons (and a link) and add to the div based on the accounts passed in addAccountButtons:function(accounts, parentElement, dialogId) { // we're going to be using this, set it up com_sirsi_ent_strings.setStringFormatFunc_JavaStyle(); if (com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile) { for (var i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) { var linkDiv = document.createElement('div'); linkDiv.setAttribute('class', 'linkWrapper'); var onClickText = 'javascript: safeWindowOpen("' + accounts[i].externalAccountUrl + '", "_blank"); return false;'; var accountLink = document.createElement('a'); accountLink.setAttribute('href', "#"); accountLink.setAttribute('onclick', onClickText); accountLink.innerHTML = String.format('Create %s Account', accounts[i].name); linkDiv.appendChild(accountLink); parentElement.appendChild(linkDiv); } } else { // leave non mobile as is for (var i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) { var onClickText = 'javascript: safeWindowOpen("' + accounts[i].externalAccountUrl + '", "_blank"); return false;'; var newButton = document.createElement('button'); newButton.setAttribute('class', eRC_Dialogs.secondaryButtonClass + ' ' + eRC_Dialogs.dialogButtonClass); newButton.setAttribute('onclick', onClickText); newButton.innerHTML = String.format('Create %s Account', accounts[i].name); parentElement.appendChild(newButton); } } // we're done using this, revert com_sirsi_ent_strings.resetString_dot_format(); }, fillAccountSelectionOptions:function(baseId, account) { var accountId = eRC_Dialogs.makeId(baseId, account.key); var comboSelect = document.getElementById(eRC_Dialogs.accountSelectClass+accountId); while (comboSelect.hasChildNodes()) { comboSelect.removeChild(comboSelect.lastChild); } for (var i = 0; i < account.account.length; i++) { var acct = account.account[i]; var option = document.createElement('option'); option.setAttribute('value',; if(acct.isDefault) { document.getElementById(eRC_Dialogs.accountInputClass+accountId).value =; } option.innerHTML =; comboSelect.appendChild(option); } comboSelect.selectedIndex = -1; $J('#'+eRC_Dialogs.accountDivClass+accountId+' input').first().select(); }, handleAccountFormSubmit:function(baseId, formatUrl) { var data = formatUrl + '?'; var proceed = true; // looking for input that starts with input class because tapestry puts random junk on the end. $J('input[id^="'+eRC_Dialogs.accountInputClass+'"]').each(function() { var value = this.value; if(value){ data += this.getAttribute('name') + '=' + value + '&'; } else { $J('#' + eRC_Dialogs.accountErrorDiv + baseId).show(); proceed = false; } }); if(proceed) { var duration = document.getElementById(eRC_Dialogs.makeId(eRC_Dialogs.durationId, baseId)); if(duration && duration.innerHTML) { data += 'duration=' + duration.innerHTML + '&'; } document.getElementById(eRC_Dialogs.accountDialogClass+baseId).setAttribute('value',data.substring(0, data.length - 1)); closeModal($J('#' + eRC_Dialogs.accountDialogClass + baseId)); } }, //API functions openFormatDialog:function(callback, resultId, isPreview) { if(!(resultId && 'function' === typeof callback)) { eRC_Dialogs.openErrorMessageDialog(callback, eRC_Dialogs.makeError('Error! Function call made with one or more invalid parameters: "callback", "resultId"')); return; } if(eRC_DownloadButton.reloadNeeded) { closeModal($J('#loginModal')); } var ercChildInfo = eRC_Dialogs.getErcChildInfo(resultId); if (ercChildInfo) { eRC_Dialogs.findFormatDialog(callback, resultId, ercChildInfo, isPreview); } else { eRC_Base.getTitleData(function(ercItem) { if (ercItem) { eRC_Dialogs.findFormatDialog(callback, resultId, ercItem, isPreview); } }, resultId); } }, getErcChildInfo:function(hitlistOrDetailResultId) { var resultId = hitlistOrDetailResultId.replace('detail', ''); // Don't replace hitlist, because we only want to use child info for detail actions. if (typeof ErcChildRecordRiver != 'undefined' && ErcChildRecordRiver.titleChildInfo && ErcChildRecordRiver.titleChildInfo[resultId]) { // Get active child index from the appropriate carousel for this result. var activeChildId = $J('#jsChildCarousel_' + resultId).find('').attr('id'); if (activeChildId) { var childIndex = activeChildId.substring(activeChildId.lastIndexOf('_') + 1); var childData = ErcChildRecordRiver.titleChildInfo[resultId]; if(typeof childData != 'undefined' && childData) { return childData.children[childIndex]; } } } return null; }, openHoldDialog:function(callback, resultId) { if(!(resultId && 'function' === typeof callback)) { eRC_Dialogs.openErrorMessageDialog(callback, eRC_Dialogs.makeError('Error! Function call made with one or more invalid parameters: "callback", "resultId"')); return; } eRC_Dialogs.showLoad(); eRC_Base.getTitleData(function(ercItem) { eRC_Dialogs.openEmailDialog(callback, resultId, ercItem); }, resultId); }, openEmailDialog:function(callback, resultId, ercItem) { if(!(resultId && 'function' === typeof callback)) { eRC_Dialogs.openErrorMessageDialog(callback, eRC_Dialogs.makeError('Error! Function call made with one or more invalid parameters: "callback", "resultId"')); return; } // TODO Replace these when eRC adds in a flag to the availability response to tell us when the vendor needs an email address. eRC_Dialogs.holdNeedsEmail ="OVERDRIVE") === 0 ||"BAKER_TAYLOR") === 0 ||"CANTOOKSTATION") === 0; if (eRC_Dialogs.holdNeedsEmail) { eRC_Base.getHoldEmail(function(responseJson) { eRC_Dialogs.findHoldDialog(callback, resultId, ercItem, responseJson); }, resultId); } else { var auth = ercItem.formats[0].authentication; //I'm using the first format here, as there's no format selection for holds if(auth.accountsUrl) { eRC_Base.getAccountsResponse(function(responseJson) { eRC_Dialogs.findHoldDialog(callback, resultId, ercItem, responseJson); }, auth.accountsUrl); } else { eRC_Dialogs.findHoldDialog(callback, resultId, ercItem, {}); } } }, openAccountDialog:function(callback, resultId, format, duration) { // the patron MUST be logged in for this function to work var isValidFormat = format && format.key && format.url && format.authentication; if(!(resultId && isValidFormat && 'function' === typeof callback)) { eRC_Dialogs.openErrorMessageDialog(callback, eRC_Dialogs.makeError('Error! Function call made with one or more invalid parameters: "callback", "resultId", "format"')); return; } var auth = format.authentication; if(!(auth.partnerAccount || auth.ereaderAccount)) { // No more authentication needed, make it happen! callback(format.url); return; } if(!(auth.accountsUrl)) { eRC_Dialogs.openErrorMessageDialog(callback, eRC_Dialogs.makeError('Error! Missing eResource Central getAccounts URL')); return; } eRC_Dialogs.showLoad(); eRC_Base.getAccountsResponse(function(responseJson) { eRC_Dialogs.findAccountsDialog(callback, resultId, format, responseJson, duration); }, auth.accountsUrl); }, openMessageDialog: function(callback, resultId, messageInfo, showEReadersLink, isIframe) { if(!(resultId && messageInfo && messageInfo.message)) { eRC_Dialogs.openErrorMessageDialog(callback, eRC_Dialogs.makeError('Error! Function call made with one or more invalid parameters: "resultId", "messageInfo"')); return; } eRC_Dialogs.closeMessageDialog(resultId); eRC_Dialogs.showLoad(); var dialogId = eRC_Dialogs.makeId(eRC_Dialogs.messageClass, resultId); var msgDialog = document.getElementById(dialogId); if(!msgDialog) { msgDialog = document.createElement('div'); msgDialog.setAttribute('id', dialogId); var closeButton = document.createElement('a'); closeButton.setAttribute('class',eRC_Dialogs.primaryButtonClass+' '+eRC_Dialogs.dialogButtonClass); closeButton.setAttribute('href', '#'); closeButton.setAttribute('onclick','javascript:eRC_Dialogs.closeMessageDialog(\'' + resultId + '\');'); closeButton.innerHTML = 'Close'; msgDialog.appendChild(closeButton); document.body.appendChild(msgDialog); } var messageId = eRC_Dialogs.makeId(eRC_Dialogs.messageClass, resultId); var message = document.getElementById(messageId); if(!message) { message = document.createElement('div'); message.setAttribute('id', messageId); message.setAttribute('class', eRC_Dialogs.messageClass); msgDialog.insertBefore(message, msgDialog.childNodes[0]); } message.innerHTML = messageInfo.message; eRC_Dialogs.hideLoad(); var title = messageInfo.title ? messageInfo.title : ''; var dialogOptions = { dialogClass:eRC_Dialogs.formatDialogClass, resizable: false, close: callback, appendTo: null, allowAutofocus: true }; if (isIframe) { dialogOptions.width = 'auto'; } openModal($J('#'+dialogId), title, dialogOptions, false); }, closeMessageDialog:function(resultId) { if(resultId) { var dialogId = '#'+eRC_Dialogs.makeId(eRC_Dialogs.messageClass, resultId); // check if initialized before trying to close if ($J(dialogId).hasClass("ui-dialog-content") && $J(dialogId).dialog("isOpen")) { $J('#' + eRC_Dialogs.makeId(eRC_Dialogs.messageClass, resultId)).dialog('close'); } } }, // All parameters are required, and response MUST have a 'error' message object! // Also, you should likely never edit this function; you've been warned. openErrorMessageDialog:function(callback, response) { if(response.error) { $J('.'+eRC_Dialogs.messageClass).each(function() { $J(this).dialog('close'); }); if (com_sirsi_ent_page.isMobile) { showMessageModal('Error', [response.error], true, function() { if('function' === typeof callback) { callback(response); } }); } else { eRC_Dialogs.openMessageDialog(function() { if('function' === typeof callback) { callback(response); } }, 'ercErrorDialog', {title:'Error', message:response.error}); } } else { if('function' === typeof callback) { callback(response); } } }, closeErrorMessageDialog:function(resultId) { eRC_Dialogs.closeMessageDialog(resultId); }, };}function startCustomUpdateAvailableCountDetailsMonitor(rId){ // requires Document ID search field var hitNum = rId.split('detail')[1]; var documentId = $J('#'+rId+'_DOC_ID .DOC_ID_value').text(); var itemLibraryEvent='detail.detailavailabilityaccordions:lookuptitleinfo/ent:$002f$002fSD_ILS$002f0$002f'+documentId+'/ILS/'+hitNum; $J(document).ajaxComplete(function(e, xhr, detailCall) {var curEvent=detailCall.url;if(curEvent.indexOf(itemLibraryEvent)!==-1){customUpdateAvailableCount(hitNum,documentId)} });}function customUpdateAvailableCount (hitNum,documentId) { var isMobile =$J('').length>0; var availableCount = 0; var checkedOutItems=[];$J('div[id^="asyncFielddetailItemsDiv'+hitNum+'SD_ITEM_STATUS"]').each(function(){var availableText = $J(this).text(); checkedOutItems = availableText.match(/Due /);if (availableText.match(/Due /) === null) // Add in any statuses to exclude from count with | in the regex. Eg /Due |Reference|Display/{availableCount++; }});if (availableCount > 0 || checkedOutItems.length > 0){setTimeout(function(){$J('#totalAvailable0').text(availableCount);},300);if(!isMobile){$J('#holdButton0').removeClass('hidden');}else{var cToken=com_sirsi_ent_page.loginCheck.split('sdcsrf=')[1];/***reappend sdcsrf= before the cToken***/var searchSession=com_sirsi_ent_page.searchSession;var catKey=documentId.split(':')[1];var curLang=window.location.pathname.split('/')[2];var curProfile=window.location.pathname.split('/')[3];/***search session, e.g.: qu=testament&d=ent%3A%2F%2FSD_ILS%2F0%2FSD_ILS%3A105250%7E%7E0&ic=true&te=ILS***/var mobileHoldLink='

Place Hold

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18 Results Found

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      Laura [DVD]


      Preminger, Otto

      Publication Date

      2004 1972


      Video disc

      Summary excerpt

      A detective is hired to find out who killed their daughter. Soon, he falls in love with her picture.

      Available: Holds:



      Heaven can wait [DVD]


      1943 motion picture release.


      Lubitsch, Ernst, 1892-1947

      Publication Date



      Video disc

      Summary excerpt

      Newly deceased playboy Henry Van Cleve arrives at the outer offices of Hades where he asks a bemused Satan for permission to enter the gates of Hell. Though the Devil doubts he will qualify,

      Available: Holds:


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      Leave her to heaven [DVD]


      1945 motion picture release.


      Stahl, John M., 1886-1950

      Publication Date

      2020 1945


      Video disc

      Summary excerpt

      An extremely possessive woman will do whatever it takes to keep her husband all to herself, even murder. Based on the best-selling novel by Ben Ames Williams.

      Available: Holds:



      The ghost and Mrs. Muir [DVD]


      Kohlmar, Fred, 1905-1969

      Publication Date



      Video disc

      Summary excerpt

      At the turn of the century a young widow and her daughter move into a cottage on the English coast. Soon she learns that the cottage is haunted by the ghost of its former owner, a sea captai

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      Hudson's Bay [DVD]


      1941 motion picture release.


      Pichel, Irving, 1891-1954

      Publication Date

      2012 1941


      Video disc

      Summary excerpt

      The film recounts the foundation of an entire Canadian institution: the Hudson's Bay trading company. Set in the last third of the seventeenth century, when the fur trade was at its peak, th

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      Where the sidewalk ends [DVD]


      1950 release


      Stuart, William L., 1912-1988

      Publication Date



      Video disc

      Summary excerpt

      Cop Mark Dixon is in hot water with his bosses because of his rough style and tactics. He accidentally kills a murder suspect and tries to frame a known racketeer that he despises for the cr

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      Night and the city [DVD]


      1950 motion picture release.


      Dassin, Jules, 1911-2008

      Publication Date



      Video disc

      Summary excerpt

      Two-bit hustler Harry Fabian aches for a life of ease and plenty. With a history of nowhere schemes, he stumbles upon a chance of a lifetime. But there is no easy money in this underworld an

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      Night and the city [Blu-ray Disc]


      1950 motion picture release.


      Dassin, Jules, 1911-2008

      Publication Date



      Video disc

      Summary excerpt

      Two-bit hustler Harry Fabian aches for a life of ease and plenty. With a history of nowhere schemes, he stumbles upon a chance of a lifetime. But there is no easy money in this underworld an

      Available: Holds:



      Black widow [DVD]


      1954 motion picture.


      Johnson, Nunnally

      Publication Date



      Video disc

      Summary excerpt

      Nancy Ordway is an aspiring writer hoping to make it big in New York at the expense of everyone around her, including Broadway producer Peter Denver, who reluctantly lets her use his apartme

      Available: Holds:



      Laura [Blu-ray Disc]


      1944 motion picture release.


      Preminger, Otto

      Publication Date

      2013 1944


      Video disc

      Summary excerpt

      A Park Avenue society beauty is murdered in her apartment bringing Detective Mark McPherson to New York's most elegant neighborhood. As he tries to get inside the head of the victim, Laura H

      Available: Holds:



      Son of fury [DVD] : the story of Benjamin Blake


      1942 motion picture release.


      Cromwell, John, 1886-1979

      Publication Date



      Video disc

      Summary excerpt

      Set in the 19th century, the illegitimate son of a British aristocrat, Benjamin Blake, is forced into servitude by a wicked uncle. As a rebellious young man, Benjamin falls for a beautiful a

      Available: Holds:



      Leave her to heaven [Blu-ray Disc]


      1945 motion picture release.


      Stahl, John M., 1886-1950

      Publication Date

      2020 1945


      Video disc

      Summary excerpt

      An extremely possessive woman will do whatever it takes to keep her husband all to herself, even murder. Based on the best-selling novel by Ben Ames Williams.

      Available: Holds:


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      18 Results Found

      Search Results for Tierney, Gene (2024)


      What color eyes did Gene Tierney have? ›

      Tierney's wide-set green eyes were made for the Technicolor process used at Twentieth Century-Fox, which is where she made most of her films.

      What happened to Gene Tierney? ›

      Tierney died of emphysema on November 6, 1991, in Houston, 13 days before what would have been her 71st birthday. She is interred in Glenwood Cemetery in Houston.

      What happened to Gene Tierney's daughter? ›

      When Daria was four, Oleg and Gene made the difficult decision to institutionalize Daria (1943-2010). Daria spent most of her life at the ELWYN, an institution for specially disabled in Vineland, NJ. Gene Tierney never fully recovered from the blow that Daria was disabled.

      What is the rarest eye color people? ›

      At some point, you've probably wondered what the rarest eye color is. The answer is green, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). Only about 2 percent of the world's population sport this shade.

      How many movies did Dana Andrews and Gene Tierney make together? ›

      The woman is played by Gene Tierney, one of the five films she would make with Andrews. In his first big feature, Otto Preminger, directs Dana Andrews as the solid center yet has him underplay his part, leaving space for the charismatic Clifton Webb and Vincent Price.

      Where is Gene Tierney buried? ›

      Glenwood Cemetery serves as the final resting place for Howard Hughes, Gene Tierney, Denton Cooley, Bob McNair, and other notable Houstonians.

      Were Lawrence and Gene Tierney related? ›

      No relation to actor Lawrence Tierney. In Italy, most of her films were dubbed by either Lydia Simoneschi and Rina Morelli (most notably Laura (1944) and The Ghost and Mrs.

      Did Gene Tierney have any grandchildren? ›

      In addition to her two daughters, Tierney is survived by two granddaughters, two grandsons and a sister, Patricia Byrne.

      Why didn t Grace Kelly marry Oleg Cassini? ›

      Her father, who was an old-fashioned racist, considered Cassini to be too much of a foreigner (Oleg was a son of a Russian and born in Paris). Grace was persuaded not to marry designer Oleg by her mother and father.

      Was Gene Tierney Irish? ›

      Tierney. Her father was a prosperous insurance broker of Irish descent, her mother a former gym teacher.

      What are true amber eyes? ›

      Amber-colored eyes are a solid gold hue that don't contain any other color. Hazel eyes often appear to have flecks of brown, green, blue, and/or gold. The colors in hazel eyes can sometimes make it look like they have changed colors.

      Has anyone ever had orange eyes? ›

      Amber colored eyes may be seen in cats and other species on a regular basis, but it's very rare in humans. People with solid orange/gold eyes have a unique pigment called pheomelanin dominant within the iris. While it's also found in people with green eyes, it's a much smaller amount.

      Who has the most brown eyes? ›

      Brown eyes are far more common in people who live in warmer climates. This is because excess melanin (which causes the brown colors of the iris) protects the eyes from sunlight. Since warmer climates tend to have more sunlight, this means that brown eyes are more common in cultures near the equator.

      Which actor has two Coloured eyes? ›

      Kiefer Sutherland

      Prior to 24, Sutherland made his name in the hit movies 'Stand by Me', 'Lost Boys', 'Young Guns' and 'Flatliners'. A star both on TV and in movies, Kiefer Sutherland is also known for his sectoral heterochromia.

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      Name: Mr. See Jast

      Birthday: 1999-07-30

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      Job: Chief Executive

      Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

      Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.