Beyond the Hair Plug: The Evolution of Natural-Looking Hair Transplants (2024)

We all know what fake hair looks like. A rug, a mop, a piece, a plug. These all describe attempts at hair restoration or covering that don’t pass the sniff test. While wigs and toupees have come a long way in their realism (thank you, human hair wigs), hair plugs, or hair transplants, are often thought of as an obvious, unnatural looking sign of hair-restoration treatment. The good news, though, is that doesn’t have to be the case anymore.

New Jersey facial plastic surgeon Jeffery B Wise, MD explains that the process of hair restoration and hair-loss treatment has vastly improved over the years, leading to natural-looking and reliable results.

The Journey from Hair Plugs to Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

“Hair transplantation has come a long way in the last several decades,” Dr. Wise says. “Gone are the days where people got macro transplants. This is when they would take multiple hairs at one time and line them up like a doll’s hair on someone’s head and give them a very artificial appearance.”

The term hair plug comes from this outdated practice.

“It didn’t look good,” Dr. Wise says. “And it gave hair transplantation a bad name because they were considered very pluggy.”

The method that surgeons use today involves getting to a much more micro level. “Today, we do something called Follicular Unit Extraction,” Dr. Wise explains. “We take single follicular units at a time.”

Those follicular units in our scalps look like dozens of little holes all over the head, from which a few hairs sprout naturally. A unit typically has a two to three hairs growing from these microscopic holes, which is why our natural hair doesn’t look like clumps of plugs.

“We take those exact units out and then transfer them to the top of the head, creating a very natural look,” Dr. Wise says. “So, if follicular unit extraction performed correctly, it should be very challenging to recognize someone who has had it done.”

Unveiling the Science Behind Natural-Looking Hair Restoration

If you want a hair transplant to look natural, you need to carefully punch those hairs into the scalp. The smaller entry you’re able to make into the scalp to do that, the more realistic it looks.

“The old device, which is still in use in many facilities, that accomplishes hair transplants punches are as big as 1 millimeter, 1.2 millimeters and up to 1.4 millimeters,” Dr. Wise explains. “Over time, the punch size has gotten significantly smaller. The device we use has a current punch size of 0.5 or 0.6 millimeters, which is almost the diameter of a needle. This allows for no scarring on the back of the head. You’ll be able to wear your hair short and no one will ever know.”

Additionally, hair transplants are now frequently combined with other treatments like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to enhance results. “It’s also used as a holding solution for the grafts themselves to give them nourishment while they’re outside the body, which has been fantastic for us,” Dr. Wise says.

Risks and Realities: The Pitfalls of Overseas Transplants

Like many cosmetic procedures, it can be cheaper to attain this procedure outside of the United States. That, though, comes with a lot of risks.

“There’s been a trend in recent years that a lot of hair transplantation patients, in an effort to save money, go on what we call medical tourism,” Dr. Wise explains. “This is when patients go out of the country to get a hair transplant. Frequently, things turn out fine, but I do think it’s important to be aware that there are risks.”

“When you go to another country you don’t know who’s doing it,” Dr. Wise points out. “You don’t know how it’s being done, you don’t know the standard as far as sterile technique and there’s even a risk for potential infections and diseases.”

We do know what it takes to safely operate in the United States and patients should use that knowledge to choose a reliable and trusted surgeon. You may also encounter less-than-stellar results if you choose to pursue a hair transplant overseas.

“One thing I have seen when people go out of the country to receive a hair transplant is they have something called over-harvesting,” Dr. Wise says. “Over-harvesting essentially means that instead of taking a few thousand grafts or an allowable number of grafts, so people don’t see anything in the back, they take so many grafts that they basically denude or devitalize the back of the head. And that means patients have significant thinning or balding problems in the back of the head where they take the grafts. So, it’s very important to understand the nuance of this procedure and the risks involved and to weigh the risks and benefits of traveling elsewhere to get potential cost savings.”

Navigating Recovery: What to Expect After an FUE Procedure

“Today’s hair transplant technology, especially in our hands, allows for fairly minimal downtime,” Dr. Wise explains. “People are fine to do any sort of work within 24 hours. However, if you’re looking to keep the hair transplant completely private before going back to work, you can wear a hat within 2 to 3 days.”

Hair placed via follicular unit extraction hair transplants will look normal within a few days, according to Dr. Wise.

“There is some very mild crusting on the top of the head or the recipient site where the hair is placed, but it is usually short-lived,” he says. “Most patients look relatively normal within 10 days and no one would even be able to tell they got anything done.”

Patients may also be interested in combining this procedure with other hair-restoration techniques to preserve the rest of their natural hair.

“When a hair transplant is performed, those transplanted hairs essentially never fall out and should last the course of a lifetime,” Dr. Wise explains. “With that said, it doesn’t preserve the patient’s natural hair and we have to do something to preserve it.”

Beyond Transplants: Complementary Treatments for Optimal Results

In conjunction with FUE transplants, patients may explore adjunctive therapies to maintain overall hair health. Dr. Wise recommends a comprehensive regimen comprising oral minoxidil, DHT blockers and nutritional supplements to complement the longevity of transplanted hair.

Moreover, low-light therapy devices offer added solutions for stimulating hair growth and preventing further loss. These noninvasive modalities augment the efficacy of FUE transplants, fostering a holistic approach to hair restoration. “We recommend two devices here at our practice,” says Dr. Wise says. “One is the LaserCap and one is the iGrow system and what we like about these products is that they’re FDA-approved and used for medical use.”

In essence, the evolution of hair transplantation heralds a new era of natural-looking results and enhanced patient satisfaction. By embracing advanced techniques and prioritizing safety, individuals can embark on their journey to restored confidence and a fuller head of hair.

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Beyond the Hair Plug: The Evolution of Natural-Looking Hair Transplants (2024)


Do hair plugs work? ›

Do hair transplants work? Hair transplants are typically more successful than over-the-counter hair restoration products. But there are some factors to consider: Anywhere from 10 to 80 percent of transplanted hair will fully grow back in an estimated three to four months.

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Hair transplants can cost anywhere from $3,000 to more than $15,000. The average treatment costs about $10,000.

Do hair transplants look natural? ›

In time, the hair plugs became quite noticeable. Improvements in creating the hairline and placing the hairs in the thinning areas also help create natural-looking results. Thanks to these advances, the results can look so natural that a barber or stylist cannot tell you've had anything done.

How does hair transplant look after 10 years? ›

Hair Transplant Results After 10 Years

A well-performed hair transplant can last a lifetime, with the transplanted hair following the natural ageing process. This means that transplanted hair will turn grey or white, and may experience thinning or shedding over time.

What is the difference between a hair plug and a hair transplant? ›

Plugs (or punch grafts) are actually a form of hair transplant. A plug is a type of hair implant in which hair follicles are collected from a donor site on the scalp, while a hair transplant is the actual procedure of transplanting those hair follicles from the donor site to the recipient site.

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Complications of hair transplant surgery
  • risks of general anaesthesia, including allergic reaction, which may (rarely) be fatal.
  • surgical risks such as bleeding or infection.
  • scars that may be severe, raised, reddened and itchy.
  • nerve damage, including permanent loss of sensation.
  • death of the skin grafts.

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Everyone, including celebrities, may suffer from hair loss. Even though there are various treatments, hair transplant is the most common permanent solution among celebrities.

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Hair restoration surgery involves removing a small strip of hair-bearing scalp from the back and sides of your head. This donor region contains hair that will grow throughout your lifetime.

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The price of a hair transplant will depend largely on the amount of hair you're moving, but it generally ranges from $4,000 to $15,000. Most insurance plans don't cover it. As with any kind of surgery, transplants have some risks, including bleeding and infection.

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Natural Looking Results

With a FUT hair transplant, a patient's hair is transplanted in small, naturally occurring groups of 1 – 4 hairs. This allows you to enjoy a fuller, natural looking hair without revealing your hair transplant procedure.

What is the best hair transplant for natural look? ›

The most experienced hair surgeons who take pride in their work will use either the FUE or the DHI technique to transfer individual follicular units onto the front of the hair line. This allows for a naturally undulating hairline which exactly mimics how a natural hairline looks.

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Dermal Lens is a state-of-the-art, smart non-surgical hair restoration solution that will look natural and real even to your cleverest friends. The Dermal Lens hair replacement for men is a uniquely thin, flexible, second skin like surface with natural hair growth patterns.

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Doctors typically recommend hair transplants for individuals over the age of 25 because the hair loss process may not be complete before this age.

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Is winter the best time to get hair transplant surgery? Many hair transplant experts believe winter is the best time for hair transplant surgery for many reasons. For one reason, the colder winter weather means you won't sweat so much. Therefore, keeping your scalp cleaner will be a whole lot easier.

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Unnatural direction of hair growth: identified by transplanted hair growing in the wrong direction, this is often caused by poor surgeon technique. Infection: excessive swelling or redness around the transplanted area may be a sign of infection, and is typically caused by unsanitary surgical tools.

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Approximately three months later (90 to 100 days), new hair starts to grow and continues to grow at a normal rate. About six months after a hair transplant session, the transplanted hairs begin to take on a natural appearance and will continue to grow for a lifetime.

How painful are hair plugs? ›

However, the procedure shouldn't cause any pain. A local anaesthetic is used to numb the scalp area where the surgery is taking place. This may cause some slight discomfort at first, but once the area is completely numb, you shouldn't be able to feel any pain.

Do hair plugs work for everyone? ›

A successful hair transplant depends on the appropriate selection of patients by the surgeon. Not every balding person is a candidate for hair restoration. Missed diagnoses can lead to poor surgical outcomes. The most common indication for hair transplantation in both men and women is patterned alopecia.

How long do hair plugs take to heal? ›

In fact, it's normal for some of your hair to fall out for the first three months after the procedure. Healing can take somewhere between 6 to 12 months. But once the healing process is complete, the transplanted follicles begin to grow hair that will fill out the bald patches on your scalp.

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